Pollution Management and Industrial Estates: Perceptions of Residents in the Vicinity of Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate, Thailand

  • Supaporn Pinyochatchinda


Industrial pollution has become a serious problem in most states and has been tackled by initiatives at the national and transnational levels. However, public opinion is still affected by the events of the past. This situation is explored through the case of Map Ta Phut industrial estate in Thailand,which has been bedeviled by environmental and safety issues since it was opened in 1989. Despite improvements in management systems, notwithstanding the explosion in 2012 which killed 12 workers in one factory, the opinions of nearby residents has been badly affected by the memories of the past. This has led to mistrust and suspicion of the industrial estate among those residents and so protests and dissent have been more common. This study employs a quantitative survey of 400 residents living in the vicinity of Map Ta Phut with a view to understanding their perceptions of environmental management on the estate and, hence, some indications of how better flows of information might improve confidence among these important stakeholders. There will need to be more effective long-term methods of dealing with health issues relating to pollution and conveying knowledge about what is being done in order to recapture public trust.


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How to Cite
Pinyochatchinda, S. (2014). Pollution Management and Industrial Estates: Perceptions of Residents in the Vicinity of Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate, Thailand. Information Management and Business Review, 6(1), pp. 42-48. https://doi.org/10.22610/imbr.v6i1.1099
Research Paper