Speed++TM: A New Pencil Puzzle for Mental Arithmetic

  • Tiong Kung Ming


A new pencil puzzle, Speed++TM, was developed by combining and adapting the ideas of two popular Japanese pencil puzzles i.e. Kakuro and Numberlink. The novel characteristics of Speed++TM and its advantages are then compared to traditionally composed mental arithmetic questions used in practice and competitions by mental arithmetic associations. In particular, the new puzzles have a dynamic structure which in effect tests visual-spatial skills, memory, and concentration. The puzzles also look more appealing and are easy to produce through computer implemented algorithms. We further describe the potential of this puzzle as a more vibrant mental arithmetic challenge for mental arithmeticians and its viability for educational use in schools and brain training programs similar to Prof. Kawashima’s world famous brain training program.


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How to Cite
Ming, T. K. (2012). Speed++TM: A New Pencil Puzzle for Mental Arithmetic. Information Management and Business Review, 4(12), pp. 601-605. https://doi.org/10.22610/imbr.v4i12.1018
Research Paper