The influence of Company Characteristics Factors to Activity Based Costing System Implementation

  • Abedalqader Rbaba’h


This study tried to determine the implementation of activity based costing system rate and to examine the relationship between company characteristics such as industry type, numbers of employees, numbers of products, and level of overhead and ABC implementation. The findings revealed that ABC implementation in the context of Jordanian Manufacturing Companies is approximately 19.5% measured according to the number of implementers companies within Jordanian Manufacturing Companies. In order to test hypotheses Logistic regression and chi-square used in the current study. The findings in this study reveals that company sectors, size - number of employees, diversity -number of product, and level of overhead cost don’t have significant influence on the implementation of ABC among manufacturing shareholding firms in Jordan. Therefore hypotheses H1a, H1b, H1c, H2, H3, and H4 are rejected.


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How to Cite
Rbaba’hA. 2013. The influence of Company Characteristics Factors to Activity Based Costing System Implementation. Journal of Education and Vocational Research. 4, 2 (Feb. 2013), pp. 36-46. DOI:
Research Paper