An Examination and Analysis of Municipal Scientific and Applied University Students Entrepreneurial Attitude

  • Peyman Pournasr Khakbaz


At the time, entrepreneurship training has evolved into of the main and expansive academic activities, and developing academic students' abilities owes to expanding and upbringing entrepreneurship capabilities. Accordingly, examining entrepreneurial attitude of university students which itself is the most significant alternatives of launching new businesses and knowledge-based, can be helpful in purposeful entrepreneurship trainings and lead them to proper trend. In this study, entrepreneurial attitude of Municipal Scientific and Applied University students was examined at individual level regarding major indices such as entrepreneurial attitude, proactiveness, risk-taking, creativity and innovation, autonomy, and competitive aggressiveness, and it was demonstrated that the students were at suitable level considering entrepreneurial attitude. In addition, since many of them were interested in attending entrepreneurship courses, it is possible to actualize the potential attitude and tendency by including entrepreneurship-training courses at different faculties and lead them to establish businesses in a purposeful way.


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How to Cite
Khakbaz, P.P. 2012. An Examination and Analysis of Municipal Scientific and Applied University Students Entrepreneurial Attitude. Journal of Education and Vocational Research. 3, 2 (Feb. 2012), pp. 71-79. DOI:
Research Paper