Education and Economic Growth in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
The declining level of economic growth in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has been attributed to the poor level of educational development in the bloc. Consequently, this study aims to assess the effect of primary, secondary and tertiary educational development on economic growth in the ECOWAS bloc. The study adopted an extended literature review/ desktop research methodology to address three research questions. Findings based on the extended literature review indicated negative and insignificant relationships between primary educational development and economic growth in the ECOWAS bloc. Secondly, findings also established largely positive relationships between secondary educational development and economic growth in the bloc. Lastly, the relationship between tertiary educational development and economic growth was largely mixed in the ECOWAS bloc. The three specific conclusions were, therefore, validated by both the institutional fitness theory and the new theory of growth. Consequently, to improve the contributions of primary, secondary and tertiary educational development to economic growth in the ECOWAS bloc, the present study recommends the promotion of enhanced social programs, integration of existing policies and creation of societal culture executed within a sound institutional framework, reduction in unemployment, regional disparities, defining the active role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other independent institutions, as well as even distribution of political and financial power, especially in Nigeria, the largest country in the bloc.
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