Teaching by infusing Topics: Money and Banking

  • Amaresh Das


Students’ cultural identities shape their learning styles and preferred modes of expression. Rarely do economic courses paint an inclusive and exciting picture of what students would like to learn and how would they go about learning it. This thinking led the author to infuse race with Money and Banking in his class taught at Xavier University of LA in the spring of 2005. This class had two sections both of which I alone taught. The effectiveness of this teaching technique involving this infusion is tested by a direct comparison between student’s ratings in the class where the infusion was used and those in the class where it was not. The findings of project suggest that the student satisfaction as measured by the over-all learning experience is significantly greater with the infusion than without.


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How to Cite
Das, A. 2011. Teaching by infusing Topics: Money and Banking. Journal of Education and Vocational Research. 1, 1 (Nov. 2011), pp. 13-20. DOI:https://doi.org/10.22610/jevr.v1i1.3.
Research Paper