The Contribution of Entrepreneurship Education Course in Enhancing Management Skills of Informal Entrepreneurs

  • Samuel Muchiri Mwangi


The study was conducted to investigate the contribution of entrepreneurship education in technical training colleges in enhancing management skills of informal sector entrepreneurs in Kenya. A case study of informal sector operators in Nairobi was conducted. Qualitative data was collected using in-depth interviews and observations. The data was analyzed using the grounded theory. Findings of the study showed that the informal sector operators used skills they gained in entrepreneurship education in technical training colleges to gain access to the informal sector industry and to manage their business. Those with higher training in entrepreneurship education tended to excel in their operations. A closer look showed that there was still a need for further training of management skills to better their activities. The recommendations were that secondary schools in Kenya should include entrepreneurship in secondary education system curriculum so as to help the school leavers who fail to join tertiary education and end up in the informal sector.


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How to Cite
Mwangi, S.M. 2011. The Contribution of Entrepreneurship Education Course in Enhancing Management Skills of Informal Entrepreneurs. Journal of Education and Vocational Research. 2, 3 (Sep. 2011), pp. 86-92. DOI:
Research Paper