Entrepreneurship Development and Market Orientation Model as A Strategy in Food Security in Wamena, Jayawijaya

  • Westim Ratang Universitas Cenderawasih
  • Jack H Syauta Universitas Cenderawasih
  • dan Vince Tebay Universitas Cenderawasih


Entrepreneurship Development and Market Orientation Model as the strategy in Food Security in Wamena, Jayawijaya.This research is aimed to discover: 1) the mindset of farmer groups (wen mina hipere) about entrepreneurship, 2) the ability of entrepreneurship and market orientation of the farmer groups, 3) The factors that affect the entrepreneurship and the orientation toward the managing ability of garden, fish and sweet potatoes. Population is a group of farmers (wen mina hipere) who work as farmers of sweet potatoes and freshwater fish culturing (carp, catfish and tilapia) that exist in the region of Silokarno Doga District, Wogi village, Wamena. The Samples are 20 farmers as determined by Proportionate cluster random sampling method. Sampling was conducted on a group of farmers (nina hipere) around Wogi village, Wamena. The type of data that will be used are: 1) primary data obtained through the interviews using questionnaire, unstructured interviews, and FGD (Focus Group Dicusion) to 20 farmers (wen mina hipere) of garden, fish and sweet potatoes. 2) secondary data will be obtained from the department of agriculture, the Wamena statistics office. The analysis used is Quantitative analysis with descriptive approach and factors analysis that influence the farmers mindset that consists of entrepreneurship and market orientation variable. The result shows that the variables (1) viewing and taking opportunities, (2) systematic planning, (3) the strategy to influence, (4) confidence, (5) persuasive ability, (6) coordination with related agencies, it does not have a significant effect on the mindset of farmers on entrepreneurship collectively. Variables that have a significant effect on the mindset of farmers on entrepreneurship are: (1) competitor orientation, (2) consumers orientation, (3) specificity, (4) orientation on efficiency, (4) work commitment, (5) Focus on high performance levels, (5) seeking information, (6) persistence and (7) initiative, they significantly and positively affect on the mindset of farmers on entrepreneurship. Dominant variables that make up the success of farmers in Wamena are persistence and work commitment. Entrepreneurship development and market orientation model that can be applied is by providing seedlings and land preparation, land cultivation mentoring, and consumer-oriented in harvest and improving coordination with related agencies for food security.


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How to Cite
Ratang, W., Syauta, J.H. and Tebay, dan V. 2016. Entrepreneurship Development and Market Orientation Model as A Strategy in Food Security in Wamena, Jayawijaya. Journal of Education and Vocational Research. 7, 1 (Apr. 2016), 37-40. DOI:https://doi.org/10.22610/jevr.v7i1.1220.
Research Paper