Brand Positioning for Sub-Saharan Africa’s Rural Tourism Development

  • Ikechukwu O. Ezeuduji


Well-conceived and effectively managed rural tourism brand in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) can help build favourable reputation which enhances the confidence of tourists. The purpose of this paper is to formulate brand essence (functional and emotional benefits derivable from a brand) and brand position statement, for SSA’s rural tourism development. This study conducted descriptive analysis of brand essence for SSA’s rural tourism development. It is exploratory, rather than conclusive in nature. Functional benefits of SSA’s rural tourism include her diverse natural and cultural attributes, friendliness of population, climatic conditions, and unique rural landscape. Her emotional benefits include the ‘feel-good’ factor when tourists are offered the ‘rural idyll’ experience not found in any other continent or sub-continent, or buy local foods and souvenirs. This positive feeling of visiting SSA’s rural areas adds richness and depth to the tourists’ experience of being involved with her brand. The knowledge of rural tourism brand essence can help SSA’s local communities, local governments and national governments to communicate not just the functional values, but also the emotional values of visiting rural areas to tourists. This will lead to particular relationships between local communities and stakeholders to enact these emotional values or rewards. SSA’s rural tourism brand positioning statement could read: “To tourists seeking nostalgic experiences, novelty and escape, rural SSA offers authentic rural landscape, ‘rural idyll’ experience, and amazing friendly populationsâ€.


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How to Cite
Ezeuduji, I. O. (2015). Brand Positioning for Sub-Saharan Africa’s Rural Tourism Development. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 7(6(J), pp. 34-41.
Research Paper