Impact of Knowledge Management Process on Employee Performance: Employee Creativity as Mediator
This study investigates the impact of the knowledge management process on employee performance. This study's objective is to examine the knowledge management processes under investigation, including knowledge sharing, knowledge utilization, and knowledge discovery, to find out the mediating role of employee creativity in the context of a healthcare center in the Hail health cluster. The study is conducted among full-time healthcare professionals (HCPs) working in the Hail Health Cluster in Saudi Arabia. 218 participants were surveyed with a well-structured questionnaire based on a previous study. The data was collected in July and August 2024 and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was applied to analyze the data. The findings reveal that all proposed hypotheses are supported, indicating a significant positive relationship between knowledge management processes and employee creativity. Furthermore, employee creativity was found to mediate the relationship between knowledge management processes and employee performance, demonstrating that the enhancement of creativity through knowledge sharing, utilization, and discovery positively influences performance outcomes. These results highlight the importance of fostering effective knowledge management strategies within healthcare settings to boost both creativity and performance among employees. The implications of this study suggest that healthcare organizations, particularly in the Hail Health Cluster, should prioritize knowledge management as a core strategy to drive employee performance through increased creativity.
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