Job Satisfaction of Malaysian Nurses: A Causal Model

  • Yuen-Onn Choong
  • Thiam-Yong Kuek .
  • Eng-Keong Lee .


Turnover intention is a challenging issue for most of the developed and developing countries. Past studies revealed that there were two common approaches to enhance nurses’ retention. The first approach is focus on recruitment and selection activities as well as establishes more schools and colleges of nursing that will produce more nursing graduate. The second approach is to attract and retain more dedicated and quality professional nursing staff. Substantial studies have confirmed that job satisfaction as a major predictor of turnover intention. Therefore, this paper is mainly focus on identifying significant predictors of job satisfaction which will subsequently reduce turnover intention among staff nurses in Malaysia healthcare industry.


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How to Cite
Choong, Y.-O., ., T.-Y. K., & ., E.-K. L. (2012). Job Satisfaction of Malaysian Nurses: A Causal Model. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 4(12), pp. 723-729.
Research Paper