A Study of the Impact of the e-CRM Perspective on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty-Exemplified by Bank Sinopac

  • Chun-Chu Liu
  • Li-min Chuang .
  • Chien-Min Huang .


As the Taiwanese government gradually opens up the country’s banking sector in recent years, the number of financial institutions of Taiwan has increased rapidly. Until the end of January 2010, the number of the domestic banks is up to 37, the average number of the customers served in each branch is less than 4,000. As all banks wish to be more competitive in such an environment, new advertising and marketing skills are taken. New banking services and technology are also provided in order to attract more customers. The study aims to discuss the relationship among three aspects including the Electronic Customer Relationship Management, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, and we choose Bank Sinopac users as subject. In addition, the following results are concluded by statistics and analysis: 1. Using e-CRM had obvious on the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. 2. Customer satisfaction had obvious on the customer loyalty.


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How to Cite
Liu, C.-C., ., L.- min C., & ., C.-M. H. (2012). A Study of the Impact of the e-CRM Perspective on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty-Exemplified by Bank Sinopac. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 4(8), pp. 467-476. https://doi.org/10.22610/jebs.v4i8.348
Research Paper