An Evaluation of the Emerging Teen Market in Durban, South Africa: Some Marketing Implications

  • Dayaneethie Veerasamy


Children between the ages of eight and twelve, known as teenagers or teens, have become a lucrative customer base. These teens are considered to be ‘in between’ the traditional child and teenager stages of development. South African society has undergone a sweeping change in its vital institution–the family. Trends such as smaller family size, single parent households, dual incomes and postponing children until later in life means that society is increasingly becoming cash rich and time poor. Guilt plays a major contributing role in spending decisions as time-stressed parents substitute material goods for quality time spent with teens, therefore opening a floodgate to marketers who monopolize on this pang and guilt factor. Guilt consumerism has now transformed teens into key players in marketing strategies. This research paper aims to provide an insight into the rising consumerism in teens due to the ‘nag’ and ‘pester’ power- bug that has fuelled marketing tactics.


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How to Cite
Veerasamy, D. (2012). An Evaluation of the Emerging Teen Market in Durban, South Africa: Some Marketing Implications. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 4(6), pp. 376-383.
Research Paper