Importance of Price for Buying Environmentally Friendly Products

  • Kamyar Kianpour
  • Maryam Asghari .


This study considered price as an important indicator, which could affects customers’ decisionmaking about buying an environmentally friendly product and investigated the intention of buyers for buying ecological product in comparison with non-environmentally friendly products with regard to price. For such a reason products have been categorized in three different categories such as: Short term, Middle term and Long-term products. The respondents were asked to answer whether they are interested to buy environmentally friendly products when the normal products exist in the market or they have no intention to buy these kinds of products. More over it has been tried to explore that how much the buyers will accept to pay more for environmentally friendly products rather than nonecological products in each category (short term, middle term and long term). Consequently, each category has been divided to six different percentage levels of price to indicate the percentage of acceptance by customers to pay more for the specified categories of eco-friendly products in comparison to non-environmentally friendly products. The result of this research shows that the majority of customers agree to pay certain percentage more to buy environmentally friendly products with eco labels and ecological characteristics rather than non-environmentally products when these green products are available in the market.


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How to Cite
Kianpour, K., & ., M. A. (2012). Importance of Price for Buying Environmentally Friendly Products. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 4(6), pp. 371-375.
Research Paper