Two Wing Models of Sales Promotion: Theorization and Examination

  • Imran Anwar Mir


Sales promotion is an important and frequently used marketing tool to influence the consumers’ purchase intentions directly. This research study introduces a two-wing model of sales promotion to show the comparative impact of different formats and benefit levels of instant price discounts and next off purchase promotions on the consumer perceptions and purchase intentions of the promoted products. The uniqueness of this model is that it separately tests the impact of different types and formats of instant price discounts and next off purchase promotions on the consumers’ overall perceptions and purchase intentions of the products under sale. The empirical testing of this model reveals some important findings that can help marketers to develop result oriented sales promotion techniques in Asian markets. Since, this model has been tested in an Asian context only. To know its multi-cultural application it needs to be tested in diverse cultural contexts.


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How to Cite
Mir, I. A. (2012). Two Wing Models of Sales Promotion: Theorization and Examination. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 4(1), pp. 12-25.
Research Paper