The Cognitive and Psychological Bias in Investment Decision-Making Behavior: (Evidence From Indonesian Investor's Behavior)

Keywords: Cognitive bias, Psychological bias, Decision Making Behavior, Qualitative


 The purposes of this research were to understand and analyze the behavior of the psychological bias experienced by investors in making investment decisions. Psychological bias experienced by investors led to wrong decision making and fatal losses. This research used qualitative interpretive phenomenology method to understand the phenomenon of decision making based on the perspective of investors. The result showed that: (1) The phenomenon of cognitive bias and psychological bias behavior occur in nearly all informants, (2) The Psychology bias could be divided by two types, namely: expected emotion bias behavior and immediate emotion bias behavior, (3) experience, knowledge of the capital markets and the management of good emotions determine the level of psychological stability and reduce bias behavior that could be raising the return.


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How to Cite
Ady, S. U. (2018). The Cognitive and Psychological Bias in Investment Decision-Making Behavior: (Evidence From Indonesian Investor’s Behavior). Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 10(1(J), 86-100.
Research Paper