Work Intensification: A Stumbling Block to Work Life Balance?
Of recent, studies on work intensification have surfaced in many sectors of the work environment and, with work-life balance being triggered by numerous variables. Employees are working harder and faster to meet tight deadlines and the speed of work has escalated resulting in a negative association with their health. The study aims to assess whether work intensification hinders work-life balance and affects employees’ daily tasks. A quantitative approach was selected for the study and, both descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized. Hypotheses testing were part of the study and most were partially accepted. The simple random sample was chosen and a sample of 100 employees was drawn. Data were collected using a self-developed questionnaire. The results showed that work intensification and work-life balance occurred at varying degrees and improvements were required in several areas. The adverse results of work intensification and high-involvement work processes have a tremendous impact on the employees’ work-life balance. The study culminates with a projection on recommendations, conclusion and, practical implications are reflected upon based on the study.
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