The Impact of the Buy Zimbabwe Campaign on Performance of Zimbabwean Companies in the Retail Sector

  • Ndlovu N. Lupane State University (LSU), Bulawayo
  • Mafumbate J. Lupane State University (LSU), Bulawayo
  • Mafuka A. Lupane State University (LSU), Bulawayo
  • Brena M Lupane State University (LSU), Bulawayo


Abstract: The majority of the Zimbabwean retail companies were in the collapsing mode over the past ten years. This miserable predicament necessitated the government to craft locally-driven remedies, and one of them was the Buy Zimbabwe campaign. This prompted the researcher to assess the impact of the “Buy Zimbabwe†campaign on the performance of the Zimbabwean firms. The study objectives were to establish the impact of “buy Zimbabwe†campaign on demand for local products and factors affecting demand for local products. Furthermore to establish if a company participating in the “buy Zimbabwe†campaign performs better than non-participating firms, earnings per Share was used in the inter-firm performance comparison. The descriptive research design was employed, although the research was both quantitative and qualitative in nature. The classical linear multiple regression analysis was used to establish and explain the relationship between company performances. The results indicated a positive linear relationship between “buy Zimbabwe†campaign and company performance in case of those that adopted Buy Zimbabwe, whereas in case of those that did not adopt Buy Zimbabwe there was a negative linear relationship. The results also discloses that quality and affordability of the product are the most influential factors affect demand for local products and buy Zimbabwe campaign was regarded as the least factor to be considered by consumers. Results from this study point towards the need to put in place supportive policies for the “buy Zimbabwe†campaign to be effective.

Keywords: Buy Zimbabwe, retail sector, local products, competitiveness, customer loyalty



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How to Cite
N., N., J., M., A., M., & M, B. (2017). The Impact of the Buy Zimbabwe Campaign on Performance of Zimbabwean Companies in the Retail Sector. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 8(6(J), 227-236.
Research Paper