Gender Differences in the Perceptions of Entrepreneurship Hindrances: A Case of Vocational Education Students in Zimbabwe
Abstract: Despite the compelling evidence on the capacity of gender biases rooted in subjective beliefs and assumptions to shape recognition and evaluation of business opportunities, there is limited research on whether females and males in resilient, economically troubled economies such as Zimbabwe conceive entrepreneurial constraints differently or in similar ways. In view of literature that highlights some marked gender variations in perceived feasibility and desirability of participating in entrepreneurial ventures, the current study explored whether femalestudents at Zimbabwean vocational education institutions would be more inclined to perceive entrepreneurial barriers differently than their male counterparts. A total of 365 students identified through simple random sampling were invited to participate in the study. On completion of the survey, 160 questionnaires were successfully completed, presenting a response rate of 43.8%.The findings reveal that there were no significant differences between male and female students in their perceptions of entrepreneurship support, regulatory and socio-cultural barriers. However, males had stronger perceptions of financial barriers while females had stronger perceptions of personal barriers. The implication of these findings is that the Government of Zimbabwe should institute and implement more gender parity-based measures to ensure prospective entrepreneurs’ transformative reflection on venture creation, and more inclusive access to and participation in entrepreneurial activities.
Keywords: Gender differences, entrepreneurship barriers, students, Zimbabwe
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