Academic Dishonesty: Prior perceptions and behaviour on cheating of Bachelor of Accountancy Freshmen at a Zimbabwean university
Abstract: Academic dishonesty is a perennial problem the world over. Financial scandals that have rocked the world of business have refocused attention on the education of business students in general and accounting students in particular. Both accounting students and accountants have been found to have a low moral campus by some studies. The study examined the perceptions and behaviours on cheating of 61 accounting freshmen prior to any university instruction. Accounting freshmen had a remarkable understanding of what constituted cheating, and had indulged in one form of cheating or the other. Cheating behaviour varied with gender, religiosity, age and Advanced level points. The study recommends among other things staggering of courses within the examinations venue and universities coming up with clear policies on academic dishonesty and recycling of examinations.
Keywords: Academic dishonesty, cheating, cheating behaviour, accounting freshmen
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