The Prospects of the ICT Policy Framework for Rural Entrepreneurs: an analysis of the Relationship between ICT and Entrepreneurial Development
Entrepreneurs hold the keys to rapid technological development by offering the means to creating employment opportunities even in remote rural areas. Small entrepreneurs do not only provide livelihood for themselves, but they also create employment thereby easing up socio-economic tensions in an atmosphere where so many are deprived. This article introduces the concept of entrepreneurship and how it propagates development and advances human living conditions. The underlying assumption is that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has a causal effect on human livelihoods of rural entrepreneurs. Thus, a sturdy relationship exists between ICT and entrepreneurial development for rural entrepreneurial economic growth. In the same manner the Government of Zimbabwe commenced on a comprehensive policy framework in order to harness the power of ICT. Through a documentary review analysis, the paper envisages how ICT can sustain rural entrepreneurial development in Zimbabwe at a time where it is suffering from harsh socio-economic and political turmoil. The paper observes that lack of financial services, corruption, political interference, poor planning and the desire to maintain status quo have been discouraging rural entrepreneurship to harness the benefits of ICT. The paper recommends that the government should implement policies that promote the development of ICT in rural entrepreneurship and the provision of training and development for entrepreneurs to bridge the knowledge gap on the use of ICT to enhance the livelihoods of entrepreneurs.Downloads
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