Modeling the Factors that Influence Employee Attitude and Service Delivery Behavior among Higher Education Professionals
Good and well calculated service delivery is very essential for the smooth running of institutions and for life long learning of students. Looking at factors that lead to employee attitude and service delivery bevaviour helps the higher education professionals to build a strong positive relationships with peers, students, staff and university leaders. This paper will look at remuneration, professional development and Information Communication Technology (ICT) efficiency as factors that contribute to positive employee attitude and good service delivery behaviour. Efforts by higher education institutions to improve the quality and standards of education professionals have progressed through the use of various forms of student feedback and methods of evaluation in an attempt to understand what matters to students’ and educational professionals regarding their educational experience. Structured questionnaires were distributed to university professionals, which include all university staff like Deans of faculties, Heads of departments and lecturers at one University of Technology (UoT). A quantitative method using Smart PLS was employed to test the relationships among the four hypotheses. The positive relationship between the four proposed hypotheses validatesthat remuneration; professional Development and ICT efficiencyare instrumental strategy to stimulating employee attitude and service delivery behavior of employees.Practically, the study build on a new direction towards research based on consumer behaviour by opening up a discussion on the importance of marketing practices in the development and improvement of service delivery behaviours in one UoTs in South Africa. Based on the findings, recommendations will be made to both the university policy makers and the university professionals for efficacy reasons. The proposed study is expected to have practical and theoretical implications to policy makers for the university and university professionals. In addition, it will provide added insights and added new knowledge to the existing body of literature hitherto not studied extensively in South Africa and UoT in particular.Downloads
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