Evidence-Based Practices of Promoting Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education Institutions in Africa

  • Fawzy Basardien Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town
  • Chris Friedrich University of the Western Cape, Cape Town
  • Michael Twum-Darko Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town


This research applies the changing of cognitive mechanisms of University students through Entrepreneurship Education (EE). The study hypothesises that entrepreneurial orientation (achievement orientation, personal control, innovation and self-esteem) improves after completing the entrepreneurship module. The context of this research involves undergraduate commerce students from the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in South Africa. The study involves quantitative research using questionnaires through a longitudinal approach. The research design consists of a pre-test, post-test and post-test after the intervention. The impact of the training intervention was assessed over a 12 month period based on a randomised control design. This study indicates that entrepreneurial orientation was influenced through this Entrepreneurship module. The practical implications of this study emphasises the importance of training approaches that are based on empirical research. The uniqueness of this paper lies in the pedagogy used that allows the effectiveness of assessing a training program.


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How to Cite
Basardien, F., Friedrich, C., & Twum-Darko, M. (2016). Evidence-Based Practices of Promoting Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education Institutions in Africa. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 8(5(J), 68-81. https://doi.org/10.22610/jebs.v8i5(J).1432
Research Paper