Different Crime Types in Western Cape Province: Principal Component Analysis
South Africa has a very high crime rate compared to most countries. Crime affects the society, business and psychology of the people. It compels people to move out or come into a particular area. It is most prevalent in the urban areas where poverty gap is conspicuous. Western Cape and Gauteng Provinces are the best developed provinces in the country and therefore have higher crime levels. But the question is: what types of crime are prevalent in the Western Cape Province? And what are the major causes of these crimes? The purpose of this paper is to identify the different types of crimes committed in the Western Cape Province which are prominent. Principal Component analysis (PCA) has been use in this study to gauge the patterns of crime and the distinct important factors affecting the level of crime. Secondary data from a website have been used in the analysis. The results show that violence and vehicle thefts are the most committed crimes in the province. The areas where crime occurs most frequently are Bellville, Cape Town Central, Gugulethu, Harare, Khayelisha, Mitchells Plain, Nyanga and Parow. Firearms have been identified as major means for committing crime. The paper recommends that attempts be made by the provincial government to clamp down unlicensed fire arm holders/dealers. Amnesty should be granted to encourage holders of unlicensed fire arms to surrender without punishment and the public should report to the police all those dealing in unlicensed firearms in order to root out crime in the province.
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