Information Management and Business Review <p><strong>Information Management and Business Review (IMBR)</strong> is an open access peer-reviewed journal with ISSN 2220-3796. It publishes original unpublished research work related to contemporary business, information management and other relevant areas. IMBR publishes research work of considerable interest that contributes to the theoretical bases of contemporary business and the world economy. IMBR publishes 4 issues per year</p> <p><img src="/public/site/images/admin/cc_by3.png"></p> <p>This work is licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="license noopener">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a></p> en-US <p>Author (s) should affirm that the material has not been published previously. It has not been submitted and it is not under consideration by any other journal. At the same time author (s) need to execute a publication permission agreement to assume the responsibility of the submitted content and any omissions and errors therein. After submission of revised paper in the light of suggestions of the reviewers, the editorial team&nbsp; edits and formats manuscripts to bring uniformity and standardization in published material.</p> <p>This work will be licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) and under condition of the license, users are free to read, copy, remix, transform, redistribute, download, print, search or link to the full texts of articles and even build upon their work as long as they credit the author for the original work.&nbsp;Moreover, as per journal policy&nbsp;author (s) hold and retain copyrights without any restrictions.</p> [email protected] (Editor) [email protected] (Support) Fri, 06 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0500 OJS 60 Strategies For Sustainable Sports Events: Understanding the Stakeholders Challenge for Collaboration <p>Ensuring sustainability in sports events is a complex challenge wherein stakeholders play a pivotal role. This study synthesizes existing literature to comprehensively explore the multifaceted dynamics of stakeholder collaboration in sustainable sports events. The diverse interests and goals among stakeholders, identified as a primary challenge, underscore the complexity of achieving sustainability. Drawing on insights, this study emphasizes the need for a shared vision to align stakeholders and mitigate conflicts arising from disparate priorities. Communication and coordination issues are critical challenges, necessitating transparent, two-way communication channels to build trust and enhance collaboration. Power dynamics pose another significant challenge, emphasizing the importance of balancing power among stakeholders to ensure fairness and inclusivity. Long-term engagement requires continuous engagement, collaborative decision-making, and ongoing communication to sustain stakeholders' interest throughout the event's lifecycle. Social inclusivity contributes to the legacy of sustainable sports events, fostering social cohesion, cultural exchange, and promoting human rights. This study aims to provide nuanced insights into stakeholder collaboration challenges, offering practical strategies for event organizers and contributing to ongoing discourse on sustainable sports event outcomes.</p> Kalam Azad Isa, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, Herwina Rosnan Copyright (c) 2024 Kalam Azad Isa, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, Herwina Rosnan Wed, 04 Sep 2024 11:55:23 -0500 A Conceptual Discussion Related to Festival Events in Malaysia <p>This study explores the rapidly growing subject of festival event management in Malaysia's travel and tourist industry, emphasizing the cultural, social, and economic effects of festivals. The project aims to improve festival management efficiency by identifying stakeholder concerns and investigating best practices. Through a conceptual analysis of 24 papers from Emerald, Science Direct, and Scopus, the study emphasizes the significance of continuous innovation, management frameworks such as EMBOK, and strategic planning. The findings suggest that addressing gaps in administrative practices and specialized education can significantly improve the effectiveness and sustainability of Malaysia’s festival events.</p> Muhammad Haziq Bazli Abu Talib, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, Hazira Mohd Nasir Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Haziq Bazli Abu Talib, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, Hazira Mohd Nasir Wed, 04 Sep 2024 12:00:12 -0500 Bibliometric Analysis of Cultural Event Publications (2001-2023) <p>Scholars from all around the world are paying more and more attention to cultural event studies as evidenced in several academic publication databases. The existing studies are mainly based on empirical studies using surveys and interviews, and some are based on conceptual papers. However, bibliometric analysis of cultural events has been largely neglected. This study uses a bibliometric analysis approach to get an overview of the landscape, development, and trends of cultural event studies. In addition to that, a bibliometric analysis also enables the researcher to identify prominent authors, institutions, and countries that actively participated in the cultural event studies. This study also aimed at establishing a series of visualization maps using VOSviewer software that displays the links between authors, institutions, and keyword occurrences. A total of 3,578 scientific documents relating to cultural events in various forms were retrieved from the Elsevier Scopus database. Using this database, the bibliometric analysis has been able to identify some prominent authors in this field, the most productive institutions, frequent keywords, top funders, and so on. In conclusion, this paper also provides some key information for future researchers in identifying important research gaps by examining the keyword occurrences relating to cultural events.</p> Ahmad Edwin Mohamed, Suryati Abd Shukor, Mohamad Khairi Alwi, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Edwin Mohamed, Suryati Abd Shukor, Mohamad Khairi Alwi, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri Wed, 04 Sep 2024 12:08:09 -0500 Developing a Predictive Model of Crowd Behavior at Music Concerts and Festivals (MCF): A Proposal for a Research Framework <p>Music Concerts and Festivals (MCF) have experienced steady growth each year, transforming these events into large-scale international gatherings from their humble beginnings in the 1980s. The trend of increasing attendance by festival-goers and concert-goers at MCF has prominently emerged in the 21st century. The attendance of MCF contributes to the formation of crowds, which are indirectly influenced by risky behavior. Consequently, this trend has led to numerous incidents related to risky behavior at MCF. However, there is insufficient research on such behavior, and few existing studies address any predictive models specific to MCF. As a result, there has been a slight increase in aggressive behavioral incidents among festival-goers and concert-goers. This issue has demonstrated the importance of studying crowd behavior among those attending musical concerts and festivals. Therefore, this paper will focus on the important variables related to risky behavior that can cause crowd behavior and bridge the gap by identifying risky behavior among crowds. Additionally, this study will propose a research framework for the development of a crowd behavioral predictive model to anticipate future risk behavior among attendees. This research will employ a mixed-methods approach comprising both qualitative and quantitative methodologies as its method of investigation. The research framework will then be used to develop a predictive model of crowd behavior among attendees of MCF that will help to provide significant information for event and concert organizers to understand potential risky behavior among the crowd, hence, help in mitigating or preventing unwanted crowd safety incidents at MCF.</p> Cempaka Nur Huda Mohamad Halim, Masrur Mohd Khir, Azreen Roslan Copyright (c) 2024 Cempaka Nur Huda Mohamad Halim, Masrur Mohd Khir, Azreen Roslan Wed, 04 Sep 2024 12:14:16 -0500 Synergies of Success: Unveiling the Transformative Influence of Sponsorship on Event Excellence <p>This study delves into the intricate dynamics of sponsorship strategies, media exposures, and event organizer practices within the Malaysian events industry. Employing a quantitative research approach, the research sampled 110 corporate sponsor representatives, utilizing a structured questionnaire to collect data. Analysis, carried out using Statistical Packages for Social Science Version 26.0 (SPSS Version 26.0), incorporated both descriptive and inferential methods. The findings illuminate a significant positive relationship between sponsorship strategies and media exposure with event success, accompanied by a noteworthy negative relationship between event organizer practices and event success. These results underscore the pivotal role of sponsorship and media exposure in influencing successful events, providing valuable insights for corporate sponsors and event organizers alike. Importantly, the study emphasizes the need for organizations to reassess their sponsorship approaches, fostering successful events by fortifying policies and aligning mutual objectives. As the events landscape continues to evolve, this research contributes to the broader discourse, guiding industry practitioners in optimizing strategies for sustainable success in the dynamic Malaysian events industry.</p> Muhammad Hafizi Zamri, Aida Nur Mohd Kodri, Abdul Hamid Abdul Halim, Mohamad Imaduddin Zainal Abidin, Liyana Shamimi Mohamed Kamil Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Hafizi Zamri, Aida Nur Mohd Kodri, Abdul Hamid Abdul Halim, Mohamad Imaduddin Zainal Abidin, Liyana Shamimi Mohamed Kamil Wed, 04 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Crisis Management Research (2014-2023) in the MICE Industry: A Review and Research Agenda <p>The 21st century is seen as a volatile business environment and requires a proper crisis management standard for most organizations including the MICE sector. Nowadays, managers seek to deal with a potential crisis effectively, with minimum losses or to avert the potential crisis in the best case. The goal is obvious: minimize the impact of the crisis or avoid a potential crisis. This study aims to investigate relevant research domains in the MICE/business events industry context. This paper found that there was very limited study on the topic. The topic of crisis management in the MICE/business events industry only started to gain much attention after COVID-19. To understand how crisis management practices have been adopted in the industry, the authors reviewed 32 articles including 29 papers on COVID-19, spanning 10 years, between 2014 and 2023. The findings showed that the research focuses on crisis management, crisis impact, response, resilience, communication, and recovery. Looking back, health-related crises (including COVID-19), political disturbances and terrorism themes are the biggest trends. This study addressed the need for more study on the topic for advancing knowledge, addressing emerging challenges, and applying findings to improve practice and decision-making as well as to develop a newly conceptual framework that places operational resilience on an equal footing with financial resilience, with indicators adapted to the risk profile of the operating model.</p> Dhiya Hikmahana Abdul Razak, Masrur Mohd Khir, Nur Atiqah Rochin Demong Copyright (c) 2024 Dhiya Hikmahana Abdul Razak, Masrur Mohd Khir, Nur Atiqah Rochin Demong Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:09:58 -0500 Bibliometrics Analysis of Event Management in the Digital Era: Challenges and Opportunities for Event Planners <p>To remain competitive, event planners must stay current with the latest trends and technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and the Internet. This paper presents a comprehensive bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer software to provide insight into the intellectual structure of knowledge using citation and co-citation networks, as well as key concepts using a keyword co-occurrence network, on the topic of opportunities and challenges faced by event planners when managing events in the digital era. The investigation begins by examining the Scopus database for articles published with keywords relevant to the topic. VOSviewer software was used for science mapping and network analysis of extracted data. This systematic field mapping helps graphically illustrate the publication evolution between 2015 and 2024 and identify the current research interests and potential directions for future research. A total of 125 articles were included comprising 44 conference papers, 39 original articles, 9 book chapters, 5 books, and 2 reviews. The United States, United Kingdom and Germany were the principal countries of origin of publications. The most frequently appearing keywords were “information management” with 116 occurrences and “network security” with 68 occurrences. The top five keywords with the greatest total link strength were information management, network security, security information and event management, cybersecurity, and intrusion detection. It is imperative that stakeholders, including funding agencies, event management organizations, researchers, and event managers, collaborate to ensure that the volume of quality research in this area keeps pace with the rapid advancements transforming the industry.</p> Nur Atiqah Rochin Demon, Siti Noorsuriani Maon, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, Masrur Mohd Khir, Siti Sarinah Sabar, Abdul Hamid Abdul Halim Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Atiqah Rochin Demon, Siti Noorsuriani Maon, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, Masrur Mohd Khir, Siti Sarinah Sabar, Abdul Hamid Abdul Halim Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:12:55 -0500 Enhancing Attendee Engagement: A Study on Designing Successful Hybrid Events in Malaysia <p>This study aims to fill the gap between hybrid events in Malaysia and attendees’ engagement and experience. It is also hoped to provide event stakeholders with information that will help them design successful hybrid events that prioritize attendee engagement and enhance the overall event experience. By understanding the needs and preferences of attendees, event organizers can tailor their strategies to create seamless and interactive experiences for both in-person and virtual participants. This study will contribute valuable insights to the growing field of hybrid events in Malaysia and guide event planners in delivering impactful and memorable experiences to all attendees. From the findings, none of the studies related to hybrid events has been conducted in the Malaysian context. This study was conducted by using electronic database searching from reputable databases such as Scopus, Science Direct and Google Scholar. 52 articles that are related to hybrid events were published from 2014-2023. Hybrid event is a new trend in organizing events. It offers a unique opportunity to cater to both in-person and virtual attendees.</p> Nur Hazwani Abd Latif, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Hazwani Abd Latif, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:15:43 -0500 Event Bidding Success Factors of Malaysia’s Business Events: Exploring the Potential Gap in Destination Selection Attributes <p>Understanding the destination selection attributes is crucial for the survival of the business events industry at any destination. This is particularly pertinent in the business events industry, where competition is strong in the current economic situation. As the landscape of business events continues to evolve, destinations must strategically position themselves to attract and retain these valuable gatherings. The decision-making regarding the selection of the business event destination is prone to be influenced by various potential attributes that are yet to be determined through further exploration. The association or event organizer may exercise their judgment or discretion in selecting the venue, giving them a great deal of flexibility. For Malaysia to be the preferred destination and improve its ranking in international business events especially in Asia Pacific, the products and services supply must be relevant and meet the expectations of the external market. Despite the importance of the business event industry, much of the existing scholarly work has been predominantly focused on the destination selection attributes for leisure and international sports events only. Thus, this paper aims to extend the body of knowledge by investigating whether similar outcomes can be elicited when it comes to business events, with a particular emphasis on understanding the concept and attributes within the context of Malaysian business event associations. Additionally, this study will assist the local hosting and organizations to develop their bid and marketing strategies appropriately by offering exceptional products and services that are customized to meet the expectations of their intended associations.</p> Suhaila Jabaruddin, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, Hazira Mohd Nasir Copyright (c) 2024 Suhaila Jabaruddin, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, Hazira Mohd Nasir Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:18:01 -0500 Augmented Reality Gaming Experience: Assessing Satisfaction Level Towards Post Event Behavior for MARA 1.0 <p>The proliferation of Augmented Reality (AR) technology has significantly transformed the gaming industry by merging digital content with the physical environment. This study focuses on assessing player satisfaction and subsequent behaviors in response to Mission AR Apocalypse (MARA) 1.0, an AR game designed to enhance educational engagement for Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) students. Developed amidst the COVID-19 pandemic by UnBound Malaysia, this game aims to provide an enriching experience through the integration of educational content within an AR framework. This research investigates four primary factors influencing player satisfaction: immersion and visual experience, ease of use and controls, game content and storyline and technical performance. Utilizing a correlational research design, data were collected from 503 students across 15 UiTM branches via structured questionnaires. The study employs Net Promoter Score (NPS) to measure satisfaction levels and their impact on post-event behaviors, such as the intent to recommend and continue using the game. Findings indicate a high level of satisfaction with immersion and visual experience, ease of use, and game content, though technical performance showed mixed results. These results support the hypotheses that immersive, visually rich AR games with user-friendly controls and engaging content enhance player satisfaction and recommendation intentions. The study concludes that while the majority of players are satisfied, there are areas for improvement, particularly in technical performance, to ensure a more seamless and enjoyable gaming experience. These insights are crucial for developers and educators aiming to optimize AR applications for educational purposes.</p> Abdul Hamid Abdul Halim, Masrur Mohd Khir, Ryan Kang Jee Hong, Natalie Loi Yoke Kei Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Hamid Abdul Halim, Masrur Mohd Khir, Ryan Kang Jee Hong, Natalie Loi Yoke Kei Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:20:34 -0500 Systematic Visual Documentation of the Mah Meri Tribe's Cultural Practices <p>The purpose of photography is identical to that of language and writing. Photography's operation must be evaluated in light of various explanatory, interpretative, and theoretical linguistic assertions due to visual art's multifaceted and multifunctional nature. In documentary photography, people, situations, objects, and events are depicted straightforwardly and narratively; This paper first gives a brief overview of the history and facts related to the beliefs and culture of the Mah Meri tribe in Peninsular Malaysia in photo documentary reporting. The primary purpose of this research is to conduct a thorough analysis of cultural traditions and environmentalist ideals. Accordingly, Mah Meri requires systematic and organized visual data, and the collection of qualitative data is essential. In a phased study, ethnomethodological techniques were used to collect periodic primary data. Throughout this systematic documentation procedure, more time was needed to collect in-depth information about personal lifestyles and religious practices. In conclusion, this research contributes to the modern accessibility of digital data sources by achieving an understanding of the Mah Meri tribe through the discovery and deconstruction of traditional beliefs unknown to the public.</p> Mohd Shariful Hafizal Aminuddin, Fadli Abd Razak, Fadhil Kamarudin Copyright (c) 2024 Mohd Shariful Hafizal Aminuddin, Fadli Abd Razak, Fadhil Kamarudin Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:23:20 -0500 Symbolic Interpretations of Mah Meri Visual Art: A Conceptual Approach Using Peirce’s Semiotic Theory <p>This study examines the visual art heritage of the Mah Meri tribe through a semiotic analysis. Utilizing Charles Sanders Peirce's Semiotic Theory as the foundational framework, the research decodes the symbolism embedded in Mah Meri's artistic expressions. The aim is to understand and document the deep meanings behind these symbols and their impact on the cultural identity and historical narratives of the Mah Meri tribe. An ethnographic approach is employed for data collection, including field observations, photographic and videographic documentation, and qualitative interviews with community members. The findings reveal that Mah Meri's art is rich in symbolic meanings that reflect the tribe's cultural identity and history. The study also highlights the negative effects of modernization on traditional art forms, necessitating urgent preservation efforts. This research makes significant contributions to the field of visual anthropology by emphasizing the importance of semiotic analysis in understanding and preserving indigenous art. It calls for increased efforts in documenting and protecting the visual heritage of the Mah Meri tribe to ensure its transmission to future generations.</p> Fadli Abd Razak, Mohd Shariful Hafizal Aminuddin, Mohd Fadhil Kamarudin, Mohd Shahrizal Mat Hussin, Aidah Binti Alias Alias Copyright (c) 2024 Fadli Abd Razak, Mohd Shariful Hafizal Aminuddin, Mohd Fadhil Kamarudin, Mohd Shahrizal Mat Hussin, Aidah Binti Alias Alias Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:26:33 -0500 The Impact of Eco-Friendly Perceptions on Festival Attendees’ Decision-Making <p>People are becoming increasingly concerned with environment as the society becomes more environmentally conscious and this is on a global basis. Festivalgoers are now very much concerned about the environmental impact of the events they go to, a consumer behavior shift. As a result of that, festival organizers are taking this into account when developing their strategies for future festivals. This research examines the influence of eco-friendly perceptions on the decision-making process among festival visitors. The study used an extended version of the planned behavior model which takes into account attitudes, subjective norms, anticipated positive emotions, expected negative emotions, and perceived behavioral control concerning decision-making. This correlation study focuses on attitudes towards attending eco-friendly events in terms of behavioral intention, subjective norms, positive anticipated emotion, negative anticipated emotion, and perceived behavioral control. 197 data sets were collected through convenience sampling of event management students at UiTM Puncak Alam via different online platforms were used for the analysis. The SPSS was used for the analysis of results through reliability tests, correlations, and regressions. The result indicated that there was a significant relationship between all the variables involved in participating in eco-friendly events.&nbsp; Four independent variables show a significant beta coefficient for subjective norm, positive anticipated emotion, negative anticipated emotions, and perceived behavioral control. Meanwhile, another independent variable, attitude does not significantly influence behavioral intentions. The limitations, recommendations, and implications of the study were suggested for future research.</p> Nurakmal Ramli, Ayu Rohaidah Ghazali, Norhidayah Mohd Rashid, Azzura Nordin, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri Copyright (c) 2024 Nurakmal Ramli, Ayu Rohaidah Ghazali, Norhidayah Mohd Rashid, Azzura Nordin, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:29:48 -0500 Regression Analysis of Dimensions Event Volunteer Motivation Towards Intention to Volunteer <p>Volunteerism at events, from small to large-scale festivals such as sporting competitions, is critical to their success. Understanding event volunteers' motivations is crucial for organizers in terms of recruiting, retaining, and managing volunteer resources efficiently. This study aims to examine the relationship between dimensions of event volunteer motivation which include leisure motivation, purposive motivation, egoistic motivation and external influence on the intention to volunteer. Previous studies have found that these multi-dimensional motivational factors are essential for fostering an individual’s decision-making process towards volunteering at an event. Positive effects on volunteer motivation will be analyzed using regression analysis in this research. In general, the results derived from the study will assist event organizers in understanding how their volunteers make decisions about taking part in the festivals they organize as well as designing ways of recruiting, managing and holding onto them for attaining ultimate success during such occasions.</p> Norhidayah Mohd Rashid, Nurakmal Ramli, Ayu Rohaidah Ghazali, Azzura Nordin, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, Shazril Saridan Copyright (c) 2024 Norhidayah Mohd Rashid, Nurakmal Ramli, Ayu Rohaidah Ghazali, Azzura Nordin, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, Shazril Saridan Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:32:49 -0500 A Study on Volunteer Motivation and Satisfaction in Malaysia's Sports Events <p>Despite the critical role of volunteers in the success of sports events, there is limited research in Malaysia on how volunteer motivations and experiences impact their satisfaction. This research sets out to examine the vital position played by volunteers in ensuring successful sports events, with emphasis on volunteer motivation, experience and satisfaction among undergraduates and postgraduate students at a local Malaysian university. The study utilizes quantitative analysis where significant correlations between these variables were discovered revealing that volunteer motivation and positive event experiences are important to enhancing volunteer satisfaction. Data from eighty students (80) showed that event-related factors such as the opportunity to be part of a prestige event and witness behind-the-scenes activities a significant motivators and key drivers of voluntary participation. The findings indicate that there was a significant beta coefficient supporting event-related motivation and volunteer experience towards volunteer satisfaction while purposive volunteer motivation did not gain significance. Overall, the research underscores the necessity for event planners to prioritize volunteer satisfaction by understanding and addressing their motivations and experiences, ultimately contributing to more meaningful and successful events.</p> Ayu Rohaidah Ghazali, Nurakmal Ramli, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, Norhidayah Mohd Rashid, Abdul Hamid Abdul Halim, Nor Azzura Nordin Copyright (c) 2024 Ayu Rohaidah Ghazali, Nurakmal Ramli, Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, Norhidayah Mohd Rashid, Abdul Hamid Abdul Halim, Nor Azzura Nordin Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:35:29 -0500 A Change in Event Tourism: Developing Business Model for Sulayau Fabric as Community-Based Tourism Event Attraction <p>This study explores the best model for community-based tourism events (CBTE) model with the inclusion of social innovation as part of the process. Producing <em>Sulayau</em> fabric is seen as a factor that contributes to the development of social innovation activities among the community in Sabah. Two workshops were conducted to empower communities to understand the use of the new social innovation tool known as <em>Memating</em> and gave support to those communities to improve the quality of their participation in tourism. Semi-structured interviews and observation were used as data collection techniques. The results revealed two interesting findings the need for using the social innovation tool of <em>Memating </em>in increasing efficiency among craft traders and the need for marketing strategies in creating visibility of <em>Sulayau</em> fabric in Sabah.&nbsp; Future studies are required for an empirical discussion in understanding how the role of social innovation shapes community-based tourism events.</p> Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, Abdul Kadir Othman, Sharmila Mohamed Salleh, Hema Zulaikha Hashim, Rahman Rosman, Rusmawati Ghazali, Jacqueline Koh Siew Len, Sharifah Norafizah Syed Annuar Copyright (c) 2024 Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, Abdul Kadir Othman, Sharmila Mohamed Salleh, Hema Zulaikha Hashim, Rahman Rosman, Rusmawati Ghazali, Jacqueline Koh Siew Len, Sharifah Norafizah Syed Annuar Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Examining the contributing factors of virtual event quality toward event satisfaction among attendees <p>Due to the rising acceptance of virtual events, more empirical studies are needed to determine factors influencing attendees’ satisfaction.&nbsp; It is crucial to comprehend the essential factors determining the quality of virtual events as the virtual world continues to define the future of event experiences. Given these considerations, event planners may create and deploy virtual experiences meeting the diverse needs and preferences of the attendees. Hence, the main purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of virtual event quality dimensions on the level of event satisfaction among the attendees. A cross-sectional study was undertaken by administering a survey instrument to collect response data from participants in virtual events. There were 124 valid responses obtained for data analysis. Descriptive and inferential analyses were performed using IBM SPSS version 28. The study findings revealed that there was a statistically significant relationship between the quality of virtual event factors and event satisfaction among the attendees. The results of regression analysis indicated that vividness (p=0.016), functionality (p=0.003), entertainment (p=0.029), fulfillment (p=0.037), privacy (p=0.037), and social presence (p=0.001) were found to be significant predictors of event satisfaction. In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of considering several factors of event quality, particularly in planning and implementing virtual events. Event organizers can enhance attendees’ satisfaction through the use of more immersive and substantial virtual experiences, by focusing on attributes such as vividness, functionality, entertainment, fulfillment, privacy and social presence.</p> Azzura Nordin, Siti Noorsuriani Maon, Mohd Redhuan Dzulkipli, Annurizal Anuar Copyright (c) 2024 Azzura Nordin, Siti Noorsuriani Maon, Mohd Redhuan Dzulkipli, Annurizal Anuar Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:52:36 -0500 The Cultural Event Typology in Bali <p>There is limited research focusing on festivals and cultural events. This study aims to enrich previous research on event typology, particularly in cultural events. Additionally, the findings of this research can be applied by event practitioners. The results of this research can be practically applied by event practitioners. This is particularly valuable for organizers from outside Bali who may not be familiar with local wisdom and regulations. A qualitative approach was used to have a better understanding of ritual practices and culture. The researcher observed three cultural events in 2024: the Piodalan and Pengerupukan ceremonies in a village in Gianyar Regency, and the Ogoh-ogoh competition in Depasar city. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with the village head and unstructured interviews with the participants of the ceremonies. Thematic analysis was conducted to obtain dimensions. Four dimensions of cultural events were found: (1) management – who manages and how the event is managed, (2) function – the purpose of the performing arts, (3) objective – the goal of the event, and (4) audience – who attends the event. This domain was then combined with the typology of performing arts according to Balinese local wisdom, broadly divided into sacred and profane performances, which include Wali, Bebalih, and Balih-balihan dances. This combination was reflected in&nbsp; matrix of event typologies in Bali. Further research could explore&nbsp; audience's or the artists' perspectives on presenting each type of dance. Expanding the number of villages could also provide insights into different rituals in other villages in Bali.</p> Peni Zulandari Suroto, Yudo Hartono Copyright (c) 2024 Peni Zulandari Suroto, Yudo Hartono Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:55:22 -0500 Cultural Event Development Model for Quality Improvement of Tourism Event: Case of the 3rd Fishing Boat Festival in Sungsang Village IV, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province <p>Tourism related to events is a representation of the selling power of the location where the event is held. Festival events have an important role in increasing the selling value of destinations, but this study found that the 3rd Fishing Boat Festival event has not been packaged properly and there is no target market database targeted as tourists. This study aims to create a model for the development of cultural festivals, based on 5 basic stages, namely research, design, planning, coordination, evaluation and compiling a template for providing a database of targets and target tourists using the definable, sizeable, reachable, relevant segmentation method. This study used a combination method or <em>mixed method </em>with <em>a sequential explanatory </em>design with a sample of 100 respondents with 3 data collection techniques, namely by direct observation, document study and interview. This research resulted in 5 stages consisting of 40 steps of festival event management, as well as the targeted tourist segmentation profile. The research contributes to the achievement of the goal of improving the quality of cultural events in tourism villages.</p> Muhammad Iqbal Djohan, Budi Wibowo, Peni Zulandari Suroto Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Iqbal Djohan, Budi Wibowo, Peni Zulandari Suroto Thu, 05 Sep 2024 07:57:49 -0500 The Role of Management Control System in Mitigating Corruption: The Levers of Control Perspective <p>A Management Control System (MCS) is a comprehensive mechanism organizations can use to ensure that their strategies and plans are effectively implemented to achieve their objectives. This concept paper explores the application of Management Control Systems (MCS), specifically concerning levers of control (LOC), for behavioral control. Based on the comprehensive literature review, it is expected that LOC will be able to provide a pathway to mitigate corruption not only from the perspective of fraud diamond theory but also from the perspective of agency theory. &nbsp;Agency theory highlights the inherent conflict of interest between agents, who have more information about their actions and intentions, and principals, who rely on agents to act in their best interest. This information asymmetry creates opportunities for agents to engage in corrupt practices, such as embezzlement, bribery, or fraud, including unethical behavior that may undermine organizational goals and trust. Effective control mechanisms are essential to mitigate these risks and ensure alignment between agents' actions and principals' objectives. Furthermore, organizations can apply the principles of fraud diamond theory when creating an effective control framework to deter corruption<em>.</em></p> Noor Hasniza Haron, Norhayati Alias, Tuan Zainun Tuan Mat, Mazurina Mohd Ali, Noraini Johan Copyright (c) 2024 Noor Hasniza Haron, Norhayati Alias, Tuan Zainun Tuan Mat, Mazurina Mohd Ali, Noraini Johan Fri, 06 Sep 2024 02:20:26 -0500 Understanding AI Technology Adoption in Educational Settings: A Review of Theoretical Frameworks and their Applications <p>Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are increasingly integrated into educational environments, promising transformative impacts on learning experiences and administrative efficiencies. This review synthesizes prominent theoretical frameworks used to understand AI technology adoption among students and educators in educational settings. The Value-based Adoption Model (VAM), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) are examined for their strengths and limitations in explaining the factors influencing technology adoption. Through a comprehensive analysis of recent literature, this paper highlights the involvement of user acceptance, incorporating cognitive, social, and emotional dimensions. Understanding theoretical frameworks related to AI technology adoption could provide a comprehensive overview of existing theoretical frameworks related to AI technology adoption in educational settings, integrating findings into a cohesive narrative.</p> Roszi Naszariah Nasni Naseri, Muhammad Syukri Abdullah Copyright (c) 2024 Roszi Naszariah Nasni Naseri, Muhammad Syukri Abdullah Fri, 06 Sep 2024 02:24:24 -0500 The Challenges in Adopting Electric Buses: A Case from Melaka, Malaysia <p>The Malaysian government has initiated a collaboration with private agencies to expand the green transport ecosystem by introducing electric buses. Despite these efforts, the adoption of electric buses in urban areas remains minimal. This paper addresses two research objectives: (a) to identify the challenges in adopting electric buses, and (b) to recommend improvements for adopting electric buses in Malaysia. Utilizing a qualitative methodology, this study aims to capture the experiences and reflections of interviewees through targeted population or place studies. This approach allows for the collection of detailed information and the development of new concepts and theories. The interviews revealed three main barriers to adopting electric buses in Melaka: battery reliability and durability, a lack of charging infrastructure, and insufficient operational knowledge. The paper suggests that the government and policymakers should take proactive measures to promote green technology and increase the acceptance of electric buses in urban areas through awareness campaigns.</p> Husnul Laili A Rahman, Chew Boon Cheong, Adi Saptari, Fadhlur Rahim Azmi, Mastura Roni Copyright (c) 2024 Husnul Laili A Rahman, Chew Boon Cheong, Adi Saptari, Fadhlur Rahim Azmi, Mastura Roni Fri, 06 Sep 2024 02:29:52 -0500 Cinematic Influence: The Role of Film in Shaping Malaysians' Travel Intentions and Destination Choices <p>Film tourism has emerged as a significant factor in enhancing tourist numbers by drawing visitors to locations depicted in movies and dramas. This study explores films' influence on Malaysians' perceptions and intentions to travel to these destinations. Utilizing the push and pull theory, the research examines how movies affect Malaysians' travel motivations and destination choices. Data were gathered through an online survey involving 267 Malaysian moviegoers, selected via convenience sampling. The findings indicate that several factors, including the reflection of personal values and interests in movies, significantly influence the intention to travel. Respondents expressed a stronger connection and likelihood to visit destinations featured in films that resonate with their interests. The study suggests that future research could employ different methodologies further to explore the impact of movies on tourist perceptions globally. Additionally, the findings underscore the potential for filmmakers, destination marketing organizations (DMOs), and local authorities to leverage films as powerful marketing tools to enhance tourist demand for real-life film locations.</p> Mohamad Daim Darson, Fadhlur Rahim Azmi, Zamzuri Ahmad Nazari, Asy-Syakirin Anuar, Nur Nabilah Norzali, Akmal Adanan, Ahmad Khairuman Md Hasim Copyright (c) 2024 Mohamad Daim Darson, Fadhlur Rahim Azmi, Zamzuri Ahmad Nazari, Asy-Syakirin Anuar, Nur Nabilah Norzali, Akmal Adanan, Ahmad Khairuman Md Hasim Fri, 06 Sep 2024 02:33:25 -0500 Predicting Consumer Behavior in E-Commerce Using Decision Tree: A Case Study in Malaysia <p>Understanding and predicting consumer behavior will help e-commerce businesses improve customer satisfaction and devise better marketing strategies. This study is intended to explore the use of decision tree algorithms in predictions of consumer purchase behavior in the e-commerce platform in Malaysia. Comparing the performances of J48, Random Tree, and REPTree decision tree models using an online shopper dataset collected by surveying 560 Malaysians, on various aspects like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. Results indicate that the highest accuracy has been achieved with the Random Tree algorithm, outperforming J48 and REPTree. The results will, therefore, form the basis upon which e-commerce can restrategize its marketing programs for better customer engagement. This is an important study in that it shows the efficacy of applying a decision tree algorithm to understand customer behavior in the context of Malaysia and adds to the growing body of knowledge in predictive analytics in e-commerce.</p> Nurul Ain Mustakim, Maslina Abdul Aziz, Shuzlina Abdul Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Ain Mustakim, Maslina Abdul Aziz, Shuzlina Abdul Rahman Fri, 06 Sep 2024 02:36:09 -0500 Serving The Future: Factors Influencing Consumer Acceptance of Robotic Waiters in Restaurants <p>This research examines the factors influencing consumer acceptance of robotic waiters in restaurants. As the food service industry increasingly adopts robotic systems, it is essential to comprehend consumer approval for their effective integration. In this study, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is utilized to investigate the key factors influencing consumer acceptance of robot waiters. It examines consumers' evaluations of these robots' usefulness and ease of use, as well as their attitudes and intentions. The findings illustrate the correlation between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitude. Regression analysis highlights the significant roles of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness in shaping attitudes toward technology, with the former having a more pronounced positive impact. However, anticipating future research into the complexities of user perception, particularly the negative correlation between perceived usefulness and attitude, is an exciting prospect for further investigation. This research enhances the understanding of consumer acceptance of robot waiters in restaurants and provides valuable insights for restaurant operators, policymakers, and other stakeholders. By addressing concerns related to technological adoption and customer preferences, this study guides the effective implementation of robot waiters in the restaurant industry, to improve operational efficiency and service quality.</p> Akmal Adanan, Ras Natasha Azalea, Mohd Adib Izzat, Mohamad Daim Darson, Ahmad Khairuman Md Hasim, Nadia Hanim Binti Mohd Wasilan Copyright (c) 2024 Akmal Adanan, Ras Natasha Azalea, Mohd Adib Izzat, Mohamad Daim Darson, Ahmad Khairuman Md Hasim, Nadia Hanim Binti Mohd Wasilan Fri, 06 Sep 2024 02:54:40 -0500 Counterfeit Cosmetics Perception Among Muslim Government Servants in Wisma Persekutuan Kota Bharu, Kelantan <p>The objective of this study is to determine if there is a notable disparity in the perception among Muslim consumers regarding counterfeit cosmetic items in Wisma Persekutuan Kota Bharu based on their level of religiosity and brand consciousness. A total of 219 questionnaires were gathered from Muslim government servants residing in Wisma Persekutuan, Kota Bharu, Kelantan through the simple random sampling technique, and the data were then subsequently examined using SPSS software. The study's results indicated a notable correlation between brand consciousness and the impression of Muslim government servants in Wisma Persekutuan Kota Bharu regarding counterfeit cosmetics. Additionally, the results indicated that there is no significant correlation between religiosity in relation to the attitude of Muslim government servants in Wisma Persekutuan Kota Bharu regarding counterfeit cosmetics. This study enhances the existing literature pertaining to the research in the field of Halal cosmetics and offers valuable insights to authorities regarding the perception of counterfeit cosmetic products among Muslim consumers. These findings can assist authorities in improving the regulation of the halal cosmetic industry.</p> Ayu Kamareenna Abdullah Thani, Nurul Nadhira Amalin Azhari, Atiela Amran, Nurhidayah Rosely, Nik Mohd Faris Nik Min, Muhammad Ammar Haidar Ishak Copyright (c) 2024 Ayu Kamareenna Abdullah Thani, Nurul Nadhira Amalin Azhari, Atiela Amran, Nurhidayah Rosely, Nik Mohd Faris Nik Min, Muhammad Ammar Haidar Ishak Fri, 06 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0500 A Study Examining the Customer Service Experience Using the Partial Least Square (PLS) Approach, with a Particular Focus on Personal Interaction Encounters and Customer Involvement <p>The relationship between academic achievement, student happiness, and the quality of academic services provided by university staff is a critical issue in Malaysian public higher education. This correlation highlights the importance of understanding the factors that influence the interactions between academic staff and students. Knowledge of the variables affecting how academic staff members and service encounters interact is quite important. This study aims to examine the influence of personal interaction encounters and customer involvement on the level of customer service experience provided by academic staff at Malaysian public universities. To gather data from 454 academic faculty members at Malaysian public universities, a self-administered questionnaire was developed. PLS 4.0 was used in this work and proportionate stratified random sampling was utilized. The results showed significant relationships between consumer involvement and personal interaction encounters with customer service experience. By acknowledging and addressing these variables, Malaysian public universities can foster more positive and productive interactions between staff and students or other stakeholders, ultimately improving the academic experience.</p> Mazlina Mamat, Hatinah Abu Bakar, Mariam Setapa, Nur Haslina Ramli, Che Mohd Syaharuddin Che Cob, Tismazammi Mustafa, Julaina Baistaman, Wan Nur Liyana Wan Mohd Fauzi, Dedi Muhammad Siddiq Copyright (c) 2024 Mazlina Mamat, Hatinah Abu Bakar, Mariam Setapa, Nur Haslina Ramli, Che Mohd Syaharuddin Che Cob, Tismazammi Mustafa, Julaina Baistaman, Wan Nur Liyana Wan Mohd Fauzi, Dedi Muhammad Siddiq Fri, 06 Sep 2024 03:15:06 -0500 Factors Influencing the Employability of Students Studying Records Management <p>Record management is a crucial profession in organizations, responsible for the efficient and orderly control of records. It involves creating, acquiring, maintaining, using, and disposing of these records, which prove an organization's operations and business. Many higher institutions in Malaysia offer courses related to records management. This paper explores factors influencing undergraduate students' employability in the field, investigates the required qualifications and skills, and identifies strategies to increase employability among record management students. The research will use a quantitative approach, including online surveys and questionnaires, with respondents graduating from records management courses. The expected findings will provide insights into the factors influencing undergraduate students' employability and strategies to overcome these issues.</p> Nurul Huda Md Yatim, Raja Adzrin Raja Ahmad, Khairunnisa Rahman, Faten Elina Kamaruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Huda Md Yatim, Raja Adzrin Raja Ahmad, Khairunnisa Rahman, Faten Elina Kamaruddin Fri, 06 Sep 2024 03:20:41 -0500 Enhancing Athletic Well-Being: Unravelling the Impact of Social Support <p>Enhancing athletic well-being is integral to optimizing sports performance and overall health. Social support serves as a vital component in fostering athletic well-being, offering emotional, tangible, and informational assistance to athletes. This study examines the social support experienced by SUKMA athletes, focusing on support from friends, family, and significant others throughout their sports engagement. The primary objective is to explore the relationship between social support and psychological well-being among SUKMA athletes in Negeri Sembilan. A sample of 298 athletes completed the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support and Psychological Well-being Scale. Findings reveal family support as the predominant source of social support, followed by significant others and friends. Notably, significant others exhibit a significant relationship with all elements of psychological well-being. Further research should delve into the nuanced dynamics of social support in athletic contexts through longitudinal and qualitative studies. Strategies to bolster social support networks within sports settings are recommended to enhance athletes' mental health and performance.&nbsp; Moreover, the study lays the groundwork for future research to explore the complexities of social support in athletic environments, advocating for longitudinal and qualitative approaches to better understand these dynamics.</p> Rozita Abdul Latif, Hasmiza Abdul Majeed, Wahidah Tumijan, Azman Ahmad Tajri, Mohammad Adzly Rajli, Yusuf Hidayat, Burhan Hambali Copyright (c) 2024 Rozita Abdul Latif, Hasmiza Abdul Majeed, Wahidah Tumijan, Azman Ahmad Tajri, Mohammad Adzly Rajli, Yusuf Hidayat, Burhan Hambali Fri, 06 Sep 2024 03:30:24 -0500 The Influence of Sustainability Reporting in Enhancing Firm Value <p>There is a growing concern about sustainability reporting as stakeholders increasingly recognize the importance of sustainable and ethical business practices. Investors, consumers, and regulatory bodies are demanding greater transparency and accountability from firms regarding their sustainability and ethical corporate behavior. Accordingly, the objective of this paper is to examine the significant influence that sustainability reporting can exert on a firm's financial performance and overall worth. By employing three predominant theoretical frameworks: stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory, and signaling theory. The findings mostly show that sustainability reporting increases firm value. Reputational capital, investor confidence, and long-term financial performance improve for firms that report their sustainability performance. However, sustainability reporting affects business value through complicated mechanisms that include regulatory contexts, industry characteristics, and disclosure quality. Although positive associations were found, sustainability reporting's effects on firm value need further studies. Research should uncover the mediating variables and contextual elements that promote this association. Researchers can provide more detailed insights into how sustainability reporting might strategically boost firm value, improving corporate sustainability and financial performance. The findings of this study would provide an important contribution to firms and stakeholders. Firms that prioritize sustainability contribute to the well-being of communities and the environment. Further, with greater transparency, the public can hold companies accountable for their actions, and support firms that demonstrate genuine commitment to sustainability.</p> HOD AMIN, MOHD HALIM KADRI, RAJA ADZRIN RAJA AHMAD Copyright (c) 2024 HOD AMIN, MOHD HALIM KADRI, RAJA ADZRIN RAJA AHMAD Fri, 06 Sep 2024 04:49:57 -0500 Impact of Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulated Learning on Satisfaction and Academic Performance in Online Learning <p>During the COVID-19 pandemic, universities widely adopted online and blended learning highlighting the need to investigate students’ self-efficacy and self-regulation in such an environment. This study examines the impact of self-efficacy and self-regulated learning on students’ satisfaction and academic performance in online learning contexts. Data were collected from 442 university students across various disciplines focusing on six dimensions of online learning self-efficacy and self-regulated learning. The findings reveal that both online learning self-efficacy and online self-regulated learning are at high levels for students in general, with no significant gender differences. Younger students, those in lower semesters and those with reliable internet connectivity exhibited higher levels of these attributes. Non-graduates demonstrated greater self-efficacy in social and academic interaction while management science social science and humanities students exhibited higher levels of online self-regulated learning. Further analysis shows that total online learning platforms used and online learning quality significantly predicted both self-efficacy and self-regulated learning. However, the total semesters using online learning and total online courses taken had no significant effect on these factors. Online self-regulated learning was strongly determined by self-efficacy. Self-efficacy in computer or internet, in the online learning environment, and in time management were significant predictors of online learning self-efficacy. In contrast, environment structuring, time management, goal setting and help-seeking were significant predictors in online self-regulated learning. Self-efficacy in time management and environment structuring were the highest contributing factors for online learning self-efficacy and online self-regulated learning respectively. However, only online self-regulated learning significantly influenced academic performance.</p> SITI FAIRUS FUZI, Siti Ramizah Jama, Siti Nursyahira Zainudin, Bushra Abdul Halim, Nurul Emyza Zahidi, Nordianah Jusoh, Wan Hartini Wan Hassan Copyright (c) 2024 SITI FAIRUS FUZI, Siti Ramizah Jama, Siti Nursyahira Zainudin, Bushra Abdul Halim, Nurul Emyza Zahidi, Nordianah Jusoh, Wan Hartini Wan Hassan Fri, 06 Sep 2024 04:58:26 -0500 Money Laundering: A Review of Literature and Future Research <p>Money laundering is one of the financial crimes that has become a major concern in most countries worldwide. The rising number of reported instances of money laundering could be driven by several reasons. With this growth, there is a growing academic interest in money laundering research; therefore, opportunities should be created for interested academics to evaluate the evolution of research in this field. This study was intended to evaluate published studies in this field from the origin of the idea of money laundering to the present to identify major trends or issues in money laundering research and to propose a research agenda for the future. A qualitative research design was adopted using a content analysis approach. It was found that most of the research focuses more on the relationship of money laundering with other offenses and the detection methods but lacking in the understanding of money laundering and the rules and regulations related to money laundering. This study is intended to be useful to current and future scholars in the field of financial crimes who are interested in the evolution of the literature and in identifying areas for future research</p> Rozaiha Ab Majid, Mohd Mohit Rahamad, Nor Aishah Mohd Ali, Siti Aisyah Basri Copyright (c) 2024 Rozaiha Ab Majid, Mohd Mohit Rahamad, Nor Aishah Mohd Ali, Siti Aisyah Basri Fri, 06 Sep 2024 05:31:05 -0500 The Determinants of Supply Chain Performance in Manufacturing Industries: A Case Study of Proton Malaysia <p>This study examines the key elements that significantly impact supply chain performance&nbsp;in Proton Malaysia, a prominent participant in the automotive sector in Southeast Asia. The objective is to understand the impact of crucial factors on Proton's supply chain's performance, including information quality, information technology, information sharing, big data analytics capacity, supply chain integration, traceability, and agility. The study used a qualitative research methodology to examine Proton's supply chain dynamics, focussing on its strategic collaboration with Geely and the incorporation of new technology. Both primary and secondary data are utilized for analysis. The results demonstrate that Proton's focus on up-to-date information, sophisticated analysis, and robust supplier connections has greatly improved its ability to respond quickly and effectively to operational challenges and maintain its ability to recover from disruptions. Furthermore, the research emphasizes the significance of supply chain agility and integration in effectively responding to market fluctuations and reducing risks. The findings indicate that Proton must consistently engage in technology and supply chain innovation to&nbsp;retain its competitive advantage and successfully traverse the intricate nature of the global automobile market. These lessons apply&nbsp;to Proton and&nbsp;other manufacturing enterprises aiming to optimize their supply networks in a progressively dynamic and linked environment.</p> INTAN LIANA SUHAIME, NANI SHUHADA SEHAT, SITI ROHANA DAUD, JUMAELYA JOGERAN Copyright (c) 2024 INTAN LIANA SUHAIME, NANI SHUHADA SEHAT, SITI ROHANA DAUD, JUMAELYA JOGERAN Fri, 06 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Issues and Challenges of Online Counseling Services During Covid-19 Pandemic <p style="text-align: justify;">The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted the quality of counseling services. During the pandemic, e-counseling emerged as a vital and transformative approach to mental health support. With social distancing measures and lockdowns restricting in-person interactions, traditional counseling services faced significant challenges in maintaining accessibility and continuity of care. A significant effect can be seen in counselors' online counseling services through technology. The study aims to investigate the issues and challenges that arise in online counseling services and identify the advantages and disadvantages of these services. A quantitative approach was carried out when a questionnaire was sent to 100 registered counselors across the country, asking two (2) main questions, namely the experience of issues and challenges they experienced in conducting online counseling sessions and their opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of online counseling. These answers are collected and then analyzed with the support of previous studies. The study findings found that confidentiality issues and managing disabled clients are among the main challenges.</p> Nur Diyana Mohamad, Hassan Basri Jahubar Sathik, Syed Mohamad Syed Abdullah, Wan Amir Azlan Wan Haniff Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Diyana Mohamad, Hassan Basri Jahubar Sathik, Syed Mohamad Syed Abdullah, Wan Amir Azlan Wan Haniff Fri, 06 Sep 2024 05:58:58 -0500 Formulating A Competency Framework for Accountants On Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Standards and Finance Digitalization <p>Accountants are one of the most important professions nowadays because, with their education and experience, they can assist the government in building the nation. However, the recent trend shows that the demand for competent accountants is increasing due to the importance of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards, coupled with the explosion of financial technology. Unfortunately, current working accountants and recent accounting graduates are struggling to meet these international demands, as employers are finding it difficult to find competent accountants who are knowledgeable about ESG and experts in financial technology. Thus, this paper intends to discuss and propose an accounting competencies framework that meets the needs of industries, supports government aspirations to develop via technological advancement, and balances social and economic development based on ESG principles. It is expected that this competency framework related to ESG and financial technology will benefit the accounting profession and higher learning institutions by allowing them to design more industrial-relevant training and educational qualifications. This paper is significant because it ensures there is no shortage of accountants with ESG skills and knowledge, and it can support a government plan to achieve net zero by 2050.</p> Ahmad Saiful Azlin Puteh Salin, Haslinawati Che Hasan, Nik Nurul Aswani Nik Kamarudin , Salina Mad Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Saiful Azlin Puteh Salin, Haslinawati Che Hasan, Nik Nurul Aswani Nik Kamarudin , Salina Mad Fri, 06 Sep 2024 06:04:16 -0500 The Factors Affecting Foreign Direct Investment Intentions of Investors: A Case of Malaysia <p>Foreign direct investments (FDI) are regarded as one of the most important sources of external financing for all countries in this globalisation era. In recent years, Malaysia has only been successful in attracting a small number of foreign investors. As a result, the primary goal of this paper is to examine the factors that have attracted FDI into Malaysia from 1990 to 2020. The study investigates the relationships between FDI and the proposed explanatory variables, namely market size (GDP), trade openness (OPN), inflation rate (INF), and infrastructure (INFRA). Multiple Linear Regression (OLS) is used to examine the relationships between the variables. The Variance Inflation Factor and the Breusch Pagan Godfrey test are also analysed to discover the data collected from the World Bank Data. Findings indicate GDP and INF have a significant impact on FDI. This study has not brought any evidence of INFRA and OPN influencing FDI inflows in Malaysia. Understanding these factors is crucial for policymakers and investors to promote sustainable economic growth and attract foreign investments</p> Amir Imran Zainoddin, Liya Fitrya Nin, Basri Badyalina, Fatin Farazh Ya'acob Copyright (c) 2024 Amir Imran Zainoddin, Liya Fitrya Nin, Basri Badyalina, Fatin Farazh Ya'acob Fri, 06 Sep 2024 06:12:28 -0500 The Influence of Perceived Risk on the Performance of the Entrepreneur <p>The perception of risk has a substantial impact on the decision-making process and allocation of resources in entrepreneurship, which in turn affects business performance and the identification of strategic growth possibilities. Entrepreneurs frequently encounter situations characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity. Their perception of risk plays a crucial role in determining whether they adopt a cautious or proactive approach to decision-making. Perceiving a high level of risk might result in the adoption of conservative measures, which may restrict the allocation of funds toward growth projects. On the other hand, when entrepreneurs perceive a low level of risk, they are more likely to allocate resources aggressively, which allows them to pursue growth-oriented strategies. This study examines the impact of perceived risk on entrepreneurial performance by analyzing how risk perception influences decision-making and resource allocation. The results emphasize the significance of understanding perceived risk levels to improve business performance and boost employee motivation. Future research should conduct empirical investigations to examine the correlation between perceived risk and motivation, taking into account both inner and extrinsic elements to gain a thorough understanding of how they interact.</p> Norfaezah Mohd Shahren, Mastura Ayob, Siti Nazirah Omar Copyright (c) 2024 Norfaezah Mohd Shahren, Mastura Ayob, Siti Nazirah Omar Fri, 06 Sep 2024 06:24:09 -0500 The Share Price Behavior of the IPO Surrounding the Expiration of the Lockup Period. Evidence from IPOs with No Analyst Positive Recommendations <p>This study investigates the share price performance of the IPOs surrounding the expiration of the lockup period in the Malaysian stock market. The study explores whether the IPOs without analysts’ positive recommendations give a significant positive share price performance in situations of the negative effect of the expiration of the lockup period. The IPOs sample of&nbsp; 281 companies was taken from the period of January 2000 to December 2014. The study applied event study methodology to investigate the performance of the IPO share price. The study found that the IPOs without analysts’ positive recommendations gave an insignificant positive share price performance in the event window of (-10, +10) surrounding the expiration of the lockup period. Whilst, the longer event window (-30, +30) shows a significant positive share price performance surrounding the expiration of the lock-up period</p> Azlan Md Thani, Muhammad Mukhlis Abdul Fatah, Shazali bin Shaharudin, Mohd Ariff Mustafa, Mohd Waliuddin Mohd Razali Copyright (c) 2024 Azlan Md Thani, Muhammad Mukhlis Abdul Fatah, Shazali bin Shaharudin, Mohd Ariff Mustafa, Mohd Waliuddin Mohd Razali Fri, 06 Sep 2024 07:01:27 -0500 Exploring The Influence of Short Travel Reels and Video Reviews on Travel Inspiration: A Study of Island Reviews <p>This study investigates the impact of short travel video reels on travel inspiration and intention, focusing on how presenter attractiveness, destination attractiveness, and video design influence viewers’ motivation to travel. Despite extensive research on traditional travel marketing methods, there is a notable gap in exploring the role of short-form video content in influencing travel-related decisions.&nbsp; The primary objective of this research is to examine how various elements of short travel video reels affect travel inspiration and intention. The study employs a systematic sampling technique with an intercept method, utilising survey data from participants who watched short travel videos showcasing different presenters, destinations, and video designs.&nbsp; The methodology includes mediation and moderation analyses to assess the relationships between the attractiveness factors and travel intention mediated by travel inspiration. The findings reveal that presenter attractiveness, destination attractiveness, and video design significantly influence travel intention, with travel inspiration as a critical mediator. The study confirms that engaging and visually appealing travel videos can effectively stimulate viewers’ desire to travel.&nbsp; However, the expected moderating effect of openness to experience on these relationships was not supported, suggesting that other factors may play a more significant role in shaping travel inspiration.&nbsp; For marketers and content creators, the findings highlight the importance of investing in high-quality, visually compelling travel content and selecting charismatic presenters to maximise viewer engagement. Additionally, the research underscores the need for future studies to explore emerging media formats and cultural variations in travel inspirations.</p> Mohd Hasrul Yushairi Johari, Nur Syamimi Nadrah Zamri, Nor Ain Maisarah Azmi Copyright (c) 2024 Mohd Hasrul Yushairi Johari, Nur Syamimi Nadrah Zamri, Nor Ain Maisarah Azmi Fri, 06 Sep 2024 08:56:35 -0500 Developing Madrasah Tourism Experience Model: Examining Tourist Psychological Variables through Systematic Literature Review <p>This study investigates the Madrasah Tourism Experience Model (MTEM), focusing on its role in understanding the complex interplay between cultural, psychological, and environmental factors in Madrasah tourism. Despite increasing interest in religious and cultural tourism, there is a significant research gap regarding the specific experiences and psychological impacts of visiting Madrasahs. This research addresses this gap by examining key psychological variables influencing tourists’ experiences in these settings.&nbsp; Using a systematic literature review (SLR) methodology, the study analyses 16 carefully selected articles from 327,715 papers to construct a comprehensive model. It highlights how social interaction, cultural engagement, novelty, pleasantness, and relaxation contribute to the tourist experience. The findings extend existing theoretical frameworks by exploring how cultural exchange and hospitality within Madrasah tourism can enhance psychological well-being and satisfaction.&nbsp; Key findings indicate that Madrasah tourism can be significantly improved through tailored experiences, such as guided tours and interactive exhibits, and by creating serene, immersive environments. This approach reaffirms established theories and introduces new insights specific to Madrasah tourism.&nbsp; The implications are significant for both academic researchers and tourism practitioners. The MTEM offers practical guidelines for enhancing visitor experiences and promoting sustainable tourism practices. By integrating cultural exchange and environmental stewardship, Madrasahs can provide more engaging and satisfying experiences, fostering long-term visitor loyalty and contributing to cultural and religious tourism.</p> Mohd Hasrul Yushairi Johari, Arni Abd. Gani Copyright (c) 2024 Mohd Hasrul Yushairi Johari, Arni Abd. Gani Fri, 06 Sep 2024 08:59:33 -0500 The Needs and Readiness of the Islamic Banks to Adopt the Comprehensive Islamic Accounting Standards: The Malaysian Experience <p>The Islamic finance sector in Malaysia has seen substantial growth over the past few decades, becoming one of the leading markets for Islamic financial products and services. This growth has brought about significant challenges in financial reporting, primarily due to the limitations of conventional International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in addressing the unique characteristics of Islamic financial transactions. The shari’ah transactions are governed by Shariah principles, which prohibit interest (riba) and emphasize on risk-sharing, ethical investments, and social justice. The study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current issues and debates surrounding the need for comprehensive Islamic accounting standards in Malaysia. It will review recent literature, regulatory developments, and the experiences of practitioners in the particular field. Furthermore, the report seeks to highlight the readiness of Bank Negara Malaysia and all Islamic Banks to adopt Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institution (AAOIFI) standards and explore the feasibility of integrating these standards within the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) framework. Additionally, this report aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on Islamic accounting by offering critical insights and recommendations for policymakers, regulators, and financial institutions. The ultimate goal is to enhance the transparency, comparability, and reliability of financial reporting in the Islamic finance sector, thereby promoting its sustainable growth and integration into the global financial system.</p> Muhammad Mukhlis Abdul Fatah, Azlan bin Md. Thani, Anuar bin Muhammad, Maisarah binti Mohamad Azhan, Nujba binti Mohamad, Nur Iylia Amni binti Ismail Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Mukhlis Abdul Fatah, Azlan bin Md. Thani, Anuar bin Muhammad, Maisarah binti Mohamad Azhan, Nujba binti Mohamad, Nur Iylia Amni binti Ismail Fri, 06 Sep 2024 09:12:28 -0500 From Taste Buds to Loyalty: How Food and Service Quality Influence Customer Satisfaction and Repeat Intentions in Hotel Restaurants <p>Customer satisfaction with food and service quality in hotel restaurants is a crucial driver of repeat intentions, directly influencing guest loyalty and long-term business success in the hospitality industry. This study examines the factors that affect customer satisfaction with hotel restaurant offerings and the subsequent impact on customers' intentions to return. The researchers gathered the data for this study using a quantitative research design and customer questionnaires. A 95% response rate was collected and analyzed using SPSS software. Next, the researchers quantitatively analyzed the survey responses using statistical methods to measure customer satisfaction levels and identify key variables influencing repeat intentions. The results of this study have practical implications for hoteliers and restaurant managers looking to improve customer satisfaction and encourage repeat business. Emphasizing continuous staff training, maintaining high food safety standards, and creating a welcoming ambiance are key strategies to enhance customer experiences. Ultimately, understanding the dynamics of customer satisfaction and its direct link to repeat intention can assist hotel restaurants in building enduring guest relationships and establishing a competitive edge in the hospitality market</p> Nurul Fatini Che Amat Manal, Nurul Ain Husnaa Che Rahami, Wan Nazriah Wan Nawawi, Malina Hanum Mohd Kamal, Yudhiet Fajar Dewantara Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Fatini Che Amat Manal, Nurul Ain Husnaa Che Rahami, Wan Nazriah Wan Nawawi, Malina Hanum Mohd Kamal, Yudhiet Fajar Dewantara Tue, 10 Sep 2024 07:34:14 -0500 An Exploration of Accounting Student’s Perspective on Factors Influencing Audit Career Choice <p>This study aims to explore the factors influencing undergraduate accountancy students at Universiti Teknologi MARA Melaka branch to pursue careers in auditing. A structured questionnaire, distributed to participants via Google Forms, was employed to gather feedback from the students. The participants, categorized based on their academic levels, represent various stages of both theoretical and practical exposure to auditing subjects. The research team administered a questionnaire to evaluate accounting students' perceptions and intentions on the factors influencing careers in auditing. There is a strong positive correlation between job security and career intention followed by career development and a moderately significant positive correlation between job satisfaction and financial reward toward students’ intention to become auditors. A general lack of interest in the profession and concern about work-life balance contribute to the challenges of not pursuing a career in audit. Students perceived that real exposure to the auditing profession via academic visits, engaging experts through seminars, and interactive teaching methods could bridge the gap between academic learning and professional practice. Enhancing the alignment of educational offerings with industry requirements and students’ career aspirations with curriculum development, enhancing teaching methods, and partnerships between academia and industry will assist accounting students in developing a positive view of auditing careers and better preparedness for their future careers in this field.</p> Nor Aishah Mohd Ali, Khair Syakira Bustamam, Amilia Saidin, Siti Azrina Adanan, Ai’eshah Abdullah Sani Copyright (c) 2024 Nor Aishah Mohd Ali, Khair Syakira Bustamam, Amilia Saidin, Siti Azrina Adanan, Ai’eshah Abdullah Sani Tue, 10 Sep 2024 07:46:45 -0500 Mitigating Negligence in Regulatory Enforcement: Analyzing the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 and the Criminal Procedure Code <p>The Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 is pivotal in regulating Malaysia's communications and multimedia industry. While the Act gives Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission officers enforcement rights, it excludes the ability to make arrests, which is a privilege reserved for police officers under the Criminal Procedure Code. This paper examines the practical implications of this division of arrest authority, focusing on potential negligence in enforcement. The study examines the intersection of regulatory enforcement and the tort of negligence by reviewing relevant laws and case studies. The study found that incorporating accountability measures into the enforcement process can help maintain transparency and uphold the integrity of regulatory actions. Recommendations based on the findings suggest strategies for mitigating negligence in enforcement actions. Understanding this intersection is crucial for ensuring lawful and responsible law enforcement actions in the communications and multimedia industry.</p> Nasihah Naimat, Mimi Sofiah Ahmad Mustafa, Ida Rahayu Mahat, Marziana Abd Malib, Yuhanza Othman, Mohd Ab Malek Md Shah, Mohammad Arif Haron Copyright (c) 2024 Nasihah Naimat, Mimi Sofiah Ahmad Mustafa, Ida Rahayu Mahat, Marziana Abd Malib, Yunanza Othman, Mohd Ab Malek Md Shah, Mohammad Arif Haron Tue, 10 Sep 2024 10:39:26 -0500 Impact of Technological Advancements on Tax Compliance Among Individuals in Southern West Malaysia <p>This conceptual research paper aims to examine the effects of technological innovation and tax management on the compliance of income tax among individual taxpayers in the southwest of Malaysia. In light of the e-tax and other related technologies, the paper discusses how tax administration and technologies, which are the independent variables, influence tax compliance which is the dependent variable. While digitalization has led to increases in efficiency and transparency, issues such as the digital divide, inadequate infrastructure, and data privacy concerns remain a barrier to widespread use, especially in rural regions. Based on the theoretical frameworks of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), this paper proposes a mixed-method research design for future empirical study. The qualitative component is through interviews with officers from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDN) while the quantitative is through administering questionnaires to individual taxpayers in some of the urban, suburban and rural regions of Southern West Malaysia. Thus, the objective of this research is to understand the challenges to the implementation of digital tax platforms and provide recommendations to improve compliance among taxpayers, which will help in the development of a fair and effective tax system.</p> Afidah binti Sapari, Siti Anis Nadia binti Abu Bakar, Vani Tanggamani Copyright (c) 2024 Afidah binti Sapari, Siti Anis Nadia binti Abu Bakar, Vani Tanggamani Thu, 12 Sep 2024 12:45:27 -0500 Exploring Education Beyond the Classroom: Experiences From the Malaysia-Indonesia Student Exchange <p>Student outbound activities offer unique opportunities for experiential learning beyond the traditional classroom setting. These activities, ranging from international exchanges to community projects, are instrumental in developing students' key skills such as cultural awareness, adaptability, and global citizenship. They foster a firsthand approach to education, encouraging students to engage with diverse environments and challenges, thereby enhancing their academic and personal growth in real-world contexts. This study explores the perceptions and experiences of students participating in a four-day academic exchange outbound program between the Faculty of Accountancy at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia, and the State Islamic University of North Sumatera Medan (UiNSU), Indonesia. Engaging 14 students with bachelor’s in accountancy, five lecturers from Malaysia, and 40 students with 18 lecturers from Indonesia, the program encompassed community service, innovation projects, and cultural activities. These activities aimed to enhance cultural understanding, academic collaboration, and a platform for experiential learning, crucial in today’s increasingly interconnected world. The study employs a mixed-method approach, utilizing questionnaires and interviews, to explore students' perceptions of short-term inter-country academic exchanges. The results of the independent t-test indicate no significant differences between the perception of respondents from UiTM and UiNSU in both categories assessed, community service and innovation competition. Additionally, outbound activities contribute to students’ educational and personal development, fostering community service and encouraging cross-cultural interaction through innovation competition. The study highlights the potential of short-duration academic trips to educational contexts in Southeast Asia, underscoring their importance in enhancing the global readiness of university students</p> Nor Aishah Mohd Ali, Siti Anis Nadia Abu Bakar, Afidah Sapari, Hamidah Bani, Sharifah Norhafiza Ibrahim, Nurlaila, Hendra Harmain Copyright (c) 2024 Nor Aishah Mohd Ali, Siti Anis Nadia Abu Bakar, Afidah Sapari, Hamidah Bani, Sharifah Norhafiza Ibrahim, Nurlaila, Hendra Harmain Thu, 12 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Accounting Internship: Unlocking Skills and Perceived Value of Future Career <p>In today's competitive job market, internships have become an integral component of higher education, particularly in professional fields such as accounting. It provides experiential learning opportunities bridging between academic theories and practical applications to allow students to gain firsthand experience and insight into their chosen careers. Recognizing the importance of internships in equipping students with the competencies needed, the study aims to explore the internship experience of accounting students relating to skills development and career prospects. The study further examines the impact of internship placement institutions on skills development, namely technical, functional, and soft skills, as well as future career prospects and incentives. Data were gathered using questionnaires distributed to accounting students who completed six-month internships across various institutions. The findings suggest that while accounting and audit firms enhance technical skills, other aspects of professional growth are not heavily dependent on the type of internship institution. This study offers valuable insights for policymakers, academic institutions, employers, and students, emphasizing the need for strategic internship placements to optimize accounting professional skills and better prepare students for the demands of the accounting profession</p> AMILIA SAIDIN, SITI AZRINA ADANAN, KHAIR SYAKIRA BUSTAMAM, A’IESHAH ABDULLAH SANI Copyright (c) 2024 AMILIA SAIDIN, SITI AZRINA ADANAN, KHAIR SYAKIRA BUSTAMAM, A’IESHAH ABDULLAH SANI Thu, 12 Sep 2024 12:52:52 -0500 The Antecedent of Life Insurance Penetration in Malaysia <p>A slower rate of economic growth is indicated by a low degree of market penetration for insurance. In contrast to other Asian countries, Malaysia has a comparatively low life insurance penetration rate of 54% throughout the five years before 2020. If Malaysia has a less advantageous rate of life insurance coverage, its citizens will be more financially vulnerable. The observation suggests that people are generally skeptical when discussing insurance-related topics. People's perceptions of insurance are often unfavorable. Now, most people think that getting insurance or being an agent is fraudulent. This is a result of a general lack of understanding about insurance. This study aims to identify or determine the possible causes of Malaysia's low life insurance penetration. Age, awareness, and service quality are the variables linked to life insurance's low uptake. We used a questionnaire to gather primary data, and all the results were evaluated. In Temerloh, Pahang, Malaysia, the researchers distributed the questionnaire to a sample of 150 respondents. To ascertain the research outcome, SPSS was used to analyze the collected data. The outcome of this study revealed that there is a substantial correlation between low life insurance penetration in Malaysia and age, awareness, and service quality.</p> Nur Haslina Ramli, Mariam Setapa, Yuslina Yusoff, Mazlina Mamat, Tismazammi Mustafa, Farahiyah Akmal Mat Nawi, Nurhidayah Rosely, Dedi Muhammad Siddiq Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Haslina Ramli, Mariam Setapa, Yuslina Yusoff, Mazlina Mamat, Tismazammi Mustafa, Farahiyah Akmal Mat Nawi, Nurhidayah Rosely, Dedi Muhammad Siddiq Sun, 15 Sep 2024 05:02:38 -0500 The Impact of Turnaround Strategies on SME Performance <p>This study examines the impact of various turnaround strategies on the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Specifically, the research focuses on five key strategies: CRM, publicizing efforts, rebates, credit periods, and online business. The goal is to examine the interaction between these tremendous strategies for SME performance in business sales growth. A survey research methodology was used, and data was collected from 300 SMEs from various sectors by a structured questionnaire. Chi-square tests and regression analysis are used to establish the interaction between the company's turnaround strategies and its performance results. The result disclosed that online business was the most viable strategy for enhancing SME performance. According to the studies, CRM also positively affected business performance, even though the results differed depending on the implementation. On the other hand, credit period was a negative factor, whereby the performance of SMEs declined when credit period was offered. The influence of publicizing efforts and providing rebates yielded a moderate effect; therefore, the effectiveness of the two strategies depends on the existing context.</p> Hanafiah Hasin, Enylina Nordin, Wan Shafizah Hussain, Eka Fauzihardani Copyright (c) 2024 Hanafiah Hasin, Enylina Nordin, Wan Shafizah Hussain, Eka Fauzihardani Mon, 16 Sep 2024 07:23:57 -0500 Board Size and Corporate Performance in the Industrial Property Sector in Malaysia <p>This research investigates the relationship between the size of the board of directors and the financial performance of publicly listed industrial property firms in Malaysia. The study examines secondary data from annual reports, financial statements, and corporate governance disclosures, focusing on key financial performance indicators such as Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), and Net Profit Margin (NPM). The study reveals significant correlations between board size and financial performance using correlation analysis and multiple regression. The findings provide valuable insights for regulators, investors, and business leaders, emphasizing the importance of refining corporate governance standards to ensure long-term financial success in Malaysia's industrial property sector.</p> Hanafiah Hasin, Rahayu Mohd Sehat, Zaleha Mahat, Siti Fatimah Noor Minhad, Eka Fauzihardani Copyright (c) 2024 Hanafiah Hasin, Rahayu Mohd Sehat, Zaleha Mahat, Siti Fatimah Noor Minhad, Eka Fauzihardani Tue, 17 Sep 2024 05:01:07 -0500 The Influence of Prayer, Al-Quran Recitation, Physical Exercise, and Holidays on Positive Thinking: Exploring Stress Coping Strategies for Mental Well-Being <p>This research delves into how prayer practices and recitation of Al Quran, along with activity and holidays, contribute to nurturing perspectives as ways to deal with stress effectively in the workplace setting where job-related stress can significantly impact both personal well-being and productivity within organizations.&nbsp; It is crucial to comprehend and encourage beneficial coping mechanisms in such scenarios. The study investigates the correlation between these coping strategies and positive thinking, recognized for their role in bolstering mental well-being and stress handling. A quantitative cross-sectional approach was employed for this study. Participants filled out questionnaires to measure how often and how much prayer practices like reciting the Al Quran, engaging in exercise, and holidays influenced their outlook on life. Researchers used linear regression analysis to determine how important each activity was in boosting thinking. The results showed that prayer sessions, physical activity, and spending time with family during holidays positively promoted positivity in individuals' minds; among these activities, holidays seemed to have an effect. However, reciting the Al Quran did not have an impact, based on the analysis of this study. The findings emphasize how adding rituals and hobbies to our routines can boost mental health and help us manage stress better in the long run. This research provides tips for people looking to manage stress and maintain a positive mindset.</p> Hanafiah Hasin, Anita Jamil, Herlina Helmy, Yang Chik Johari Copyright (c) 2024 Hanafiah Hasin, Anita Jamil, Herlina Helmy, Yang Chik Johari Tue, 17 Sep 2024 05:04:31 -0500 Evaluating the Impact of Workplace Interventions on Employee Stress Management: Insights from Health Awareness Programs, Job Redesign and Recreation Centre Access <p>Workplace stress is a growing concern, with serious implications for employee well-being and organizational performance. This study examines the impact of various workplace interventions on employees' ability to manage stress, such as health awareness programs, vacation and holiday trips, job redesign, recreation center access, and social support systems. This study used a cross-sectional research design; data were collected through a structured questionnaire and analyzed using logistic regression. The results reveal that health awareness programs and access to recreation centers significantly improve employees' stress management. Job redesign showed a marginally significant effect, while vacation trips and social support systems did not significantly influence stress management. These findings highlight the importance of targeted interventions in supporting employees' mental health and reducing stress, particularly through health awareness initiatives and access to recreational facilities. Organizations should focus on these strategies while further exploring the potential benefits of job redesign and the quality of vacation policies.</p> Hanafiah Hasin, Anita Jamil, Vita Fitria Sari, Yang Chik Johari Copyright (c) 2024 Hanafiah Hasin, Anita Jamil, Vita Fitria Sari, Yang Chik Johari Tue, 17 Sep 2024 05:13:49 -0500 Leadership Soft Skills, Perceived Trustworthiness and Structural Empowerment: A Correlation <p>To generate trust inside organizations, administrators with soft skills must build relationships and alliances with their staff, as well as create work conditions that empower employees to carry out their responsibilities. Administrators must essentially boost perceptions of trustworthiness. To solve this shortcoming, educational administrators must be informed and cautious about the notions of soft skills, dependability, and structural empowerment. This article investigates the relationship between each component of leadership soft skills, structural empowerment, and perceived trustworthiness. The mediating function of structural empowerment in the link between leadership soft skills and the perceived trustworthiness of the Head of Faculty was also investigated. This study collects its quantitative data using a survey questionnaire. The survey included 225 respondents who worked as administrative professionals in clerical and office assistant positions at three major campuses of Malaysian public higher education institutions in Malaysia's northern state. The study found that perceived trustworthiness and structural empowerment were substantially connected to all eight components of leadership soft skills. However, structural empowerment did not act as a bridge between leadership soft skills and perceived trustworthiness.</p> Siti Asiah Md Shahid, Shariff Harun Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Asiah Md Shahid, Shariff Harun Tue, 17 Sep 2024 05:16:09 -0500 The Influence of Proactive Personality, Social Support and Self-Esteem Towards Career Adaptability Among Full Time Postgraduate Business Faculty Students <p>This paper studies the relationship between proactive personality, social support and self-esteem on career adaptability among postgraduate business students, in a public university in Malaysia. The study used the quantitative approach and online survey questionnaires to collect data from the business doctoral students. Regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between proactive personality, social support and self-esteem with career adaptability among postgraduate students. The study collected from 214 postgraduate students reported that proactive personality and social support are significant in explaining career adaptability while self-esteem was found not significant in explaining career adaptability. This study sheds light on the factors contributing to postgraduate students’ career adaptability. The main challenge lies in adjusting to the work environment, which is influenced by the workplace and the support from employers, especially the Human Resource (HR) teams. HR can develop strategies to help these students better adapt to their new roles, making their transition into the professional world smoother and more successful.</p> Noor Azura Dahalan, Ridhawati Zakaria, Norashikin Hussein, Suhaila Mohamed, Amirun Aziz Bin Abd Wahab, Muna Wadhiha Mohd Fauzi Copyright (c) 2024 Noor Azura Dahalan, Ridhawati Zakaria, Norashikin Hussein, Suhaila Mohamed, Amirun Aziz Bin Abd Wahab, Muna Wadhiha Mohd Fauzi Tue, 17 Sep 2024 21:24:21 -0500